Healthcare Global Magazine

Barbara –

Victim Location 95301

Type of a scam Employment

A Lisa Brown from Healthcare Global contacted me via text regarding a job. She referred me to reach out to a Lewis Gronberg on Google Hangouts. His email address is [email protected] He referred me to as their company website. He conducted an interview and information regarding the position via Hangouts and then stated that I was being offered the position. He said that a check would be mailed to me to verify my trust-worthiness in handling company monies. I was to keep $150 as a sign on bonus and the balance would be paid to a Technology Company for the hardware and software they wanted me to use to do the job. This list included a MacBook 12", iphone, software including Adobe Photoshop and other Adobe software, Peachtree (a financial software), a low profile copier/fax/scanner/printer unit and more. He emailed me standard employment paperwork (I9, W-4, terms of employment and standard Direct Deposit form), I made the mistake of filling these out and emailing them back. They overnighted the check for $4900 to me via FedEx. I had been skeptical but obviously not enough so. i began investing in earnest and learned the following. is a legitimated website that is a digital magazine put out by Bizclik Media. Bizclik publishes several such magazines per their website at Bizclik is legitimate company according to the CA Secretary of State business search. They have a location in SanDiego and one in Norfolk, Norway. However, when I searched the Secretary of State website in WA where he claimed they have an office, none existed. I also checked NY because the check was sent from Canadaigua, NY, but the name on the check was Lisa Caldera with an address in Ontario, CA. The address is an apartment complex and while other Calderas are listed at that address, no one with the first initial "L". The check was a Golden1 Credit union check with a legit routing #. The signature appears to be pre-printed and the last name appears to be different than Caldera. I have contacted the bank to report this fraud. The check # was only 145 – suspiciously low for a company. Also, there was no account or coding detail below the check. Most companies list some sort of information regarding what the check was for. There also was no note on the check itemizing what it was to be used for. The letter that accompanied the check was not on letterhead and was signed (but no signature) by a Benjamin chwartz ([email protected]). Last name lowercase. The letter is not dated. I inquired of Lewis what the Mother company name was that was dba’ing as Healthcare Global Magazine. I was directed to a website for another company that is a funding corp for other companies. I found no link to their company. He also sent me a webaddress to an Asian Medical Magazine – put out by a different company than Bizclik and appearing to have no link to them. I also requested the headquarters address and phone number which i was not provided. I declined the job. Took the check to my bank to report it fraudulent. Had to change my account and debit card.

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