Halicon Brokerage Group

Darrell –

Type of a scam Travel/Vacations

Contacted by phone ( Cindy Jones )

Stated they had someone who wanted to buy our timeshare in Mexico ( Mayan Palace ) Vida operated.

Offering US $ 28,550.00

Stated that they would put this money in trust with Reliance Financial Holdings ( Oklahoma, care of a Patrick Mahon…405 421 0552. www.reliancefinancialholdings.com )

Stated that a transfer fee of US $3,100 was required also but the new owner would pay.

They sent me a contract to sign stating that I was required to pay the 8% fee for them to proceed with this offer.

I contacted Vida and asked for info regarding how to go about selling my timeshare.

They said I was required to have the assignor and the new assignees to sign legal documents.

Also transfer fee was only US $1,100

I also went on Google Earth and looked up there address’. Went to street view and both locations in Chicago and Oklahoma had no signage ( one building was vacant)

When they called ( Justin Silva ) I asked them about requirements regarding sale from Bida. Justin seemed to get a little perturbed about this, saying arrangements would be made on there end.

Stated that I would not put any money up front until there money was in my account.

Justin then got more upset and stated that I had no balls.

Asked him about vacant addresses.

No reply

Told him that this was a scam and I would be contacting the BBB.

He blew a gasket…..

Never never never put money up front.

My parents taught me well..

Terrance –

Victim Location 95630

Type of a scam Travel/Vacations

This company called me on the telephone by one of their agents telling me that they had a buyer for my timeshare that I had listed for sale with another company and that they would send me their offer the next day by mail. I was hesitant, but thought they were a brokerage outfit I guess they would know about buyers. The next day I received an email with an offer of almost $40,000 for my timeshare which was much more than the value of the property. I asked who the buyer was and they told me it was a company from Canada that was looking for property as a tax write-off.

The amount was too good to be true, so I remembered the advice I had heard "If it is too good to be true, it probably is not true." This company asked me to forward a signed reply of acceptance of the offer — but there was not guarantee of the offer, just a note that I was interested in selling. I sent it to the company by FAX and today I received a telephone call from a Mr. Justin Silva who said he was the manager of this company for the past 16 years and they indeed had an offer for the sale of my timeshare. They would be sending the paperwork to me. I asked him for a written offer sent to me and he declined telling me that he had some legal detail to work through before he could send it to me — a title search, et cetera. I told him I thought the title search had already been performed. He said the initial one had been done, but that he needed to follow through with the escrow company. Because of his unwillingness to send me any written documents, I decided to check him out through the ScamPulse.com and search for any fraud actions. After looking at the fraud actions through the ScamPulse.com relating to "Canada" and the "tax write off" scam, I decided to write this memo and hope that you would follow through and catch these folks in the act and save some other person from losing their money. After being taken by the timeshare companies, it is unfortunate to be taken again,

Carly –

Victim Location 38401

Type of a scam Travel/Vacations

I have a vacation property ( not timeshare but very similar, it builds equity ) in Mexico. It is called " The Grand Mayan vacation club". Purchased it 11/216 by paying the down payment of $22,000 and paying the balance over time. Had terminal health problems in 2017, and can no longer travel, nor afford the payments. I am currently 6 months behind. A sales rep from the resort says he can restructure my property to a less expensive one that will cost about the same amount as my $22,000 down payment I paid on the more expensive original I purchased, thus eliminating my monthly payments. This transaction has not been done yet. On Feb 2/2018 I get a call on my cell from Cindy Jones @ Halicon Brokerage Group in Chicago Illinois wanting to know if she could email me an official offer to buy this property, and will call me again 3 days later on Monday Feb 5 with my opinion of their offer. I am in Tennessee , and have never spoken to this company nor heard of them. The email came in my spam email section. I went to Snopes.com to check & found nothing. I went to the ScamPulse.com and found nothing. I am skeptical. It may be legit.

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