group customer survey

Phillip –

Victim Location 28645

Type of a scam Employment

I got an email that said I could earn $50 or more a week by being a secret shopper. I followed the link to a website that looked like a Walgreens site, took my information including phone number and email. I got a message (email) saying that I was accepted and would receive information on what to do next shortly. I got a text saying I would be receiving instructions in the mail soon. Today I got a Priority mail envelope with a typed letter ( not letterhead, company information or anything) that gave me instructions on what to do with the check for $2930.00. I was to cash this check, or deposit if I could not cash right away until funds cleared. Purchase and cashiers check for $50 using $10 to cover costs. Then go to two different Walmarts and purchase 6 gift cards of $400 each total $2400. Then scratch to reveal the numbers and take pictures of them and send those immediately. Also purchase $60 worth of items (I could keep this) and then keep $350 for myself as payment for services rendered. There was to be a bonus if completed in less than 24 hours. The final instructions were to email or text as soon as I completed the tasks. First thing that struck me is why send a check for almost $3000? What is to stop people from just cashing the check and keeping the money? Second No company letterhead or any kind of contact address. Third, the phone number supplied is from Pennsylvania, the letter was mailed from Michigan and the check is from a bank in Virginia. I looked up some secret shopper scams and this sounded like one to me. I did NOT try to cash the check and reply to any texts or emails since receiving this packet.

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