Grounded Conceptz

Julian –

Type of a scam Tech Support

I recently received this email from Grounded Conceptz. I have never (from what I remember) purchased, subscribed or inquired about any products from this business. Earlier this morning, I received what appeared to be a spam email requesting me to click on a link to view some sort of document. I did in fact try to open the link but I was redirected to a fake Google Doc/Drive page. The page does look very similar to that of an actual Google login, but the url is much different. When I contact this business as to why I was receiving spam from them, they went on to tell me "It is quite a good read and definitely the most insightful I have read on. It’s something that you will be very interested in doing. So, go ahead to log in to view this.". I find this to be an unprofessional way to maintain proper customer service with its potential customers. This is the link that I was told to go to:

I’ve attached a copy of the email between myself and this business.

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