Graduate Service Center

Darrell –

Victim Location 12401

Total money lost $639

Type of a scam Credit Repair/Debt Relief

I enlisted service after hearing radio ad about student loan forgiveness that Obama was allowing. i called and contracted with this company. the fee was $600 divided in three installments. i was told not to disclose or converse with holder of my student loan while this forgiveness process was ongoing. i called several times to ask how process was coming. finally informed the process was complete. i was told my student loan would be forgiven and quoted approx. $12k to totally satisfy my outstanding loan. upon further investigation about the details of my loan standing, i was informed that what i paid for was income based program that was for one year. after one year i would be charged a fee of $39 monthly for them to monitor the status of my loan. i complained because i was under impression my loan would be forgiven after satisfying the quoted price. the service then explained after 20 years of earning similar income that i am earning presently my loan would possibly be forgiven. i was not informed that i did not qualify for the forgiveness program because i was employed by a for profit company. i expressed my dissatisfaction with several employee of service. i requested copies of my signed contract which has not been mailed nor emailed to me. my calls are avoided. i voided my contract early December. i feel this company has been deceitful. i could’ve achieved what they have accomplished on my own and without any charge with my loan holder. after my complaints to them they changed their radio ad to include informing people about nonprofit employees only being eligible for forgiveness program. i am very unhappy and would like their practices looked into and the possibility of the return of my fees. i plan to also lodge a complaint with the dept of education. i have email copies of all interactions.

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