Government Grant

Nina – Aug 19, 2020

Victim Location 44870

Type of a scam Government Grant

(Entered by Cleveland, Ohio staff, LST, on 08/18/20.)


I received an instant message (via Messenger) saying I could get $4500 free grant money – if I first paid $800. The message included reference to an attorney, Kathy Lewis, and mentioned going to Walmart to purchase GreenDot money cards. The message appeared to come from a friend (not named Kathy Lewis). Fortunately, I called my friend and they had no idea what I was talking about.

Bryce – Jul 28, 2020

Victim Location 44119

Type of a scam COVID-19

I answered a call on my cell phone. Caller stated a got a $1000 government grant for Covid 19 and being unemployed. I also am getting the grant for being a loyal citizen to the government. Callers name was Nathan Williams. He did not mention paying for the grant. He asked for my zip code and age. The phone number in my caller ID was 430-545-8537. He gave me phone number to call back 202-743-5428. I did not call the number back.

Whitney – Jul 14, 2020

Victim Location 43230

Type of a scam Government Grant

Everything is through FB. Brenda Ann Phillips contacted me through IM, offering me a $9000 grant. She told me to buy a $100 gift card from Walmart. Then they would put the grant money on the card.

Julian – Jun 11, 2020

Victim Location 70129

Total money lost $800

Type of a scam Government Grant

The name of this person is John Newton and he asked for 800 dollars into 100 a piece Walmart cards for 25,000 phone number is 501-904-9671 he trying to get another 2500 hundred from me today after he told me yesterday my money would be here since 9am this morning

Barry – May 27, 2020

Victim Location 78223

Type of a scam Government Grant

A friend received a text message through messenger on how to apply for government grant money. How she received grant money to help with her financial needs. A website was sent with the grant information and a person of contact name and phone number. A call was made and a message was left. Shortly a text message was received on the phone with the government grant website. Went into website and only basic information was asked. Shortly after that a text message was received that application was received. Next day received a text message stating application had been approved for a grant. Grant money options were given to chose from. At that point the grant person was asking for a claim and processing fee to be paid before grant can be processed. Then grant money would be received within 48 hours.

For example if you asked to receive $30,000,00 in grant money you would need to pay $500.00 up front. Questions were asked to the grant site as to what the upfront money covered. According to the grant site person was to pay for taxes up front and to cover claim fee. A question was asked to grant site as to why was only $500.00 needed to be paid to receive )30,000.00 if taxes on that amount would be about $4,000.00+. Grant site replied and said that they work with the IRS and if claim fee is paid they have a % which is reduced value other than paying it yourself. They protect the welfare of the citizens of America. At that point text messages have been received from the grant site to try to finalize the process for the grant.

Robyn – May 12, 2020

Victim Location 31907

Type of a scam Government Grant

I have been contacted several times on Facebook through my contacts list by people who’ve had their profile picture hijacked.

The perpetrators are trying to get you to commit to a “federal grant” called the “ home care and family support grant”.

I’ve researched the grant and it (doesn’t exist) on web site.

Cave’at Emptor.

Tracy – Apr 08, 2020

Victim Location 98512

Type of a scam Government Grant

Suspected Scam.

Please see the screenshot of the email I received. I did not click on the "Confirm your eligibility" link in the email.

I did a Google search for the address included at the bottom of the email (113 Cherry St, Seattle, WA, 98104). It is listed as a virtual address and virtual office. I did a Google search for, and nothing was displayed in the results list. This looks like a scam, but I cannot fully determine this.

Latoya – Mar 11, 2020

Victim Location 62234

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was just contacted by an old friend on Facebook Messenger who was informing me about a grant called the EESA Grant. She told me that I could qualify but I’d have to pay 1% of what they sent me. I knew this wasn’t her, so I looked up on here to see what this was and found out that not only did her page get hacked, but I was being scammed

Alberto – Mar 04, 2020

Victim Location 64106

Total money lost $300

Type of a scam Other

i was told i was approve for a 9,950 grant. i was told to send 3 separate $100, google play gift cards.

i sent the i purchased cards and gave the man mike johnson, extention 109 the information to take registration fees. when that transaction was complete he told me i would need to send another $300 to activate the transaction numbers, at that time i told him i wanted, to stop the process, and he told me i would have to send another $300 to cancel the 3 transaction. he refused to send me my money back and i was not allowed to speak to anyone else. i was unaware of this being a scam until he continued to ask me for more money. i felt uneasy and demamnded my money back numerous times without success.

Jordan –

Victim Location 13440

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a phone call claiming that my name had been selected to a $9,000 federal money that didn’t have to be repaid at all. Took as much information as I was curious and wondering why I had that money from the government. They had asked me if I wanted the money directly deposited or as a money order. I told them a money order and I then had to pick it up it was waiting for me. But once I got there and realized that they had to get $200.00 for the card at Walgreens I then realized it was a scam and called the police and then contacted the BBB. The callers was definitely not from America.

Timothy –

Victim Location 21218

Type of a scam Government Grant

I have been getting messages from my Neice via Messenger. She told me about the grant money and how you have to pay a fee for up to $20,000.00. Some fees are as high as $1,500.00. I started getting suspicous when the gentleman told me to go to Walmart and get a Steam card and don’t tell anyone why I was getting it. Then in his text messages it just seemed a bit suspicous. He told me I was approved and gave me a Account number, Batch number. Via messenger I asked my neice to call me and she kept giving me the run around, which is not like her. Then there was some things that was being said that didn’t make sense. People do your research, double check anything that ask you for money up front. It’s a sad world, people don’t have anything better to do then SCAM other people.

Samantha –

Victim Location 35653

Type of a scam Government Grant

They messaged me telling me i qualified for a grant sent the amount i was gonna get and ask for my personal info and card numbers they kept on and on

Beth –

Victim Location 43232

Type of a scam Government Grant

People keep calling me from Washington DC about a Federal Grant. Travis Smith 202-618-2604 200 Independence Ave SW Washington DC. He wants me to pay $200 for a $9,000 grant. He said he wants a Visa credit card. I said no. He said go get a Steam card or an eBay gift card.

Elizabeth –

Victim Location 49896

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a call from someone who said they were from the federal government and the phone number came up as from Washington DC. She congratulated me and said because I have a good record, haven’t filed for bankruptcy in the past 5 months, and that I pay my bills on time. That was when I knew it was fake because I live paycheck to paycheck and I’m always hit with late charges because I can never get a bill paid on time. She gave me a number to call and said to leave a message with my confirmation code mq7505 and let them Kno I’m calling about the $8000 government grant that I have been awarded today. She did say they will call u right back. A min after leaving the message I got a phone call from Lorraine Hardy and she said I could get my grant three ways, money gram, deposit into my debit card, and put into my bank account. I went along and told her I wanted to do money gram. She said for me to drive to Dollar general in bark river and call her back as soon as I got there because I needed to purchase an eBay card in the amount of $200 to pay for processing and registration fees. I was to stay on the line with her until I received my money. She also told me that the grant money would be coming from the federal bank of New York. Here is the number I needed to call her back at, 202-455-6680 ext 157 and if someone else answers just to ask for Lorraine Harding at ext 157. The first lady I spoke to said her name was Diane but she sounded like she could have been from another country like china. I have never heard of anyone from China named Diane. Usually named Kong or dong or ping, I don’t mean to stereo type but I juss trying to get my point across. Also the lady named Lorraine had the same accent as the first lady. I asked Lorraine a question, I said, what happens if I don’t have the $200 today can I call u back tomorrow because Saturday is my payday. She says I will be right back and I could still hear people talking on other lines like she juss covered the mouth piece and she gets back on the phone and says unfortunately we do not work on weekends, only weekdays so I needed to call her back early Monday morning. So I thanked her and told her I’d be calling her back on Monday morning. She then told me to have a great evening and I hung up the phone. I wanted to keep the conversation going and mess around with her but I didn’t, I juss acted like I didn’t Kno she was a scam artist.

Ronald –

Victim Location 43812

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a call from an Indian man. He said I was getting a $9,400 govt grant as I haven’t been in trouble, and my number is Ml123. He said to receive the grant needs to pay $280. He said buy a card and and call 518-704-3324. He said they never take the $280. He wanted my bank routing number.

Diane –

Victim Location 29501

Type of a scam Government Grant

Imposter pretending to be a to be a friend of mine. Small chit chat overs 2 days. Then, today offers to inform me of government grants and loans.

Shana –

Victim Location 61356

Type of a scam Government Grant

TY221 grand ID. Phone call from company claiming to be offering government grants. Was told to call phone number for verification which then was asked for $250 payment to receive $9,000.

Kevin –

Victim Location 43135

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a call from a man who was foreign. I couldn’t understand him, but I think he said he was from the government of Washington DC. He gave me an ID number and said I won an $11,300 grant for being a good citizen. He gave me an ID number of SM369. He told me it was a grant not for school, just free money to sue for home improvements or anything I wanted to do with it. He said I had options I could put it in my account, or Western Union or put it on a gift card. I chose Western Union. He told me I could go to Western Union to pick up the money, but that I had to talk to his supervisor first. He told me to call his supervisor at 202-594-9638, adn she will tell me what to do. I called and a woman answered "Who are you wanting?" I could hear other people in the background. I said I got an ID number. She said I was chosen from the government and I need to get a $200 registration card from eBay. I started laughing. She said "What’s so funny, what’s so funny?" I said I shouldn’t have to pay money to get money. She said you’re not paying money, it’s a registration card. I told her I don’t understand why you need a registration. She told me I would get money because I don’t work and I don’t have a record, and I don’t owe IRS. She asked how I would like the money, gift card, bank account or Western Union. I chose Western Union. She said it was from the government in Washington DC. She said she would walk me through it on the phone. She said I would get my $11,300 within 10 minutes through Western Union. I kept asking why she needed $200. She got upset with me and said if I don’t want the money, she would give it to someone else. She really wanted me to stay on the phone with her when I went to buy the eBay card. I knew that you never have to pay money to get money.

Cole –

Victim Location 06460

Type of a scam Government Grant

"Called by woman first told me that due to me being a great tax payer and credit card payer.The government is going to give me as one time grant of $9000.00+. Gave me a code and a phone number to call. 518-704-3324 Said tell them this code GG1005 they will give me instructions receive the grant.

This person was a man (senior officer) told me to go to a store (Rite Aid) that would sell me an "Activation Gift Card", this was to be done with him on my cell phone the whole time. Instructed me don’t discuss this with anyone else in the store. The government changed their way of dispersing grants and this was the most efficient"

Stacey –

Victim Location 84318

Type of a scam Other

when I answered the phone a lady said this is Grace I am from some government agency. can you hear me ok and I said yes (Mistake)! Then she immediately hung up!!

Jerry –

Victim Location 43055

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a call today from a foreign man who I couldn’t understand. He said I had won a $9000 grant from the government. He said I wasn’t to use it to buy alcohol or drugs. I said I wouldn’t. He said my confirmation number is KP109. He wanted me to call 206-880-3328. I’m on SSI.

Robin –

Victim Location 31210

Type of a scam Government Grant

I feel it’s a scam going on on Facebook at the mr.williams Browne page on Facebook they contacted me about applying for a grant

Sarah –

Victim Location 43211

Type of a scam Government Grant

First a lady called. She told me to call 646-450-1375. I called and spoke to Cody. He said I was eligible for a $9000 from the government because I am a taxpayer. He told me to go to Walmart and purchase a registration card for $100, 3x, and give him the reference numbers to get the money. He wanted to stay on the phone with me. He said he would give me more information once I got to the store. He has an accent. He told me to keep it confidential so no one can get hold of my money.

Lori –

Victim Location 49421

Type of a scam Phishing

It was a recorded call, saying that my social security number is going to be Frozen and that the government was going to come and arrest me. I needed to call this number back to confirm my social security number and to get directions on what I needed to do so none of this happen to me. I am just thinking that everybody needs to know that this is happening so nobody Falls victim and the call was received on a business line.

Sean –

Victim Location 38573

Type of a scam Government Grant

This person called and said his name was Eric Johnson and that he work for the government in which he gave me his address at 900 bagby Street Houston Texas 77002 and he wanted me to go to the closest Western Union and show them that I had $250 in the bank that’s all I would have to do was verify I had $250 in the bank .he would send me a grant of $14,566 was the amount this was a personal individual Grant and my grant ID number was E L 6545 their telephone number was 4695670552

Kaitlin –

Victim Location 62243

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a message from friends saying they had gotten grants from the US government to renovate their homes. Someone called and said that I needed to send him $5000 on Walmart cards.

Caleb –

Victim Location 66203

Type of a scam Government Grant

They keep calling me 2 to 3x a day and the last person I talked to said they would call daily! They are harassing me!

Melanie –

Victim Location 60630

Type of a scam Government Grant

Hey so I got a call and they tried to call me telling me that I got money from the government but when I asked for them to email it to me they told me to shut up

Heather –

Victim Location 47203

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was recently looking for grants online. A few days later I got a call saying I had been approved for a government grant for $3,500. They even told me to go to to see that they are legit. I was told they could transfer the money to me for free if I gave them my debit card number. Being suspicious, I told them I didn’t have a debit card, only a checking account. They said they could deposit the money that way but I would have to sign up for their program for $19.95 for 2 months and they would need my account and routing number. I told them I wanted to call the and see what they said about it and they said they would call back in a 1/2 hour. I called and they said it’s a scam. A 1/2 hour later, they did call back and when I told them I had called the BBB, they hung up on me.

Lee –

Victim Location 23321

Type of a scam Government Grant

I almost got scammed out of 15,000$ I thought it was promising but I was still sceptical about it. I did research on randomly selected federal government grants and all I got was red flags. If you get this call, please be careful or your life will never be the same

Michael –

Victim Location 61462

Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan

Good Day, My name is Mark Phillips. The Federal government grant program which is an empowerment of the united national is to promote what is this ????

Hector –

Victim Location 32724

Total money lost $6,350

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was contacted by a good friend of mine that he won a grant of $250,000 and showed me a picture of pile of cash he received . I trusted him because he is a friend supposedly . I think of it later that he was an accomplice of the scam . First , Joe Loris to send $3000 worth of Amazon and Google play to receive my funds . Then he called me and said that package was held at Biloxi International Custom and ask me to pay him $3250 to pay customs . He told to wait for the package 5/27/19 . After that date he called me that funds were held at Konfidential Bank in Miami . He phished the tracking Sx and the bank . They were faked . Now he asked me for $17000 to get access code to get the funds . I did not send the money this time . I was scammed out of $6350 total . Now I realized that it was a big scam and my friend was his accomplice . Warning ! Do not trust your friend

Andrea –

Victim Location 78359

Type of a scam Government Grant

My mother received a message from Facebook messenger from a relative claiming they received $100,000 from a federal grant and gave a number 970-305-4818 and agent carol Herrington. We called with no answer then got a text with info, she then email a generic looking application from a [email protected] when I asked why it’s not a government email she replied from a [email protected]

Olivia –

Victim Location 77632

Total money lost $2,600

Type of a scam Government Grant

Sent a letter through messager stating I won a Government Grant for $50,000.00. Follow instructions give my messager stating to text them. I did! They told me thaat his name was Sheldon Grant work for the Department of Human Service, he gave me the instruction on how to send the money. Fred Harford (FBI Agent) told me to send $2600.00 to him then I would get the $50,000.00. I told him to send me a picture of his badge with his supposible picture. n So, I got a few amazon

give card and tool pictures of them, sent it to Fred. Tried calling the number after I sent the money and the phone number he gave me didn’t work.

Tamara –

Victim Location 50315

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received a message from one of my friends on Facebook. She was asking how I was doing then she stated she was feeling blessed because she was approved for a government grant that she doesn’t have to pay back. She stated that she was going to open a grocery store ( which I thought was wired because she is retired). Then she asked if I wanted to try and see if I could get approved. I said sure I could uses some money. Then she sent me the guys name and number Mr. Ron Anderson 601-460-9575. I texted him and he forwarded me the link to apply. I did just to see what would happen. I was approved for 120,000.00 and all I had to do to get the money was to pay for the delivery pin. I asked how much. I was told $450.00 in stream gift cards. I told him that I have never heard of them. He told me where to go and buy them. I was feeling pretty uneasy about that. So I asked my friend and she was like ya that’s how I did mine. I told my friend that I have been scammed before and I don’t feel safe about it and I stated asking my friend questions that only she would now. Like how did we met. She got defensive about that she said I cant believe you don’t believe me. She would never answer the question. I then asked her to call me and she stated No, she couldn’t because she just had otolaryngology surgery and couldn’t talk. When I told the 2 different people that I know its a scammed I haven’t heard back from them.

Nikki –

Victim Location 15129

Type of a scam Government Grant

Said to call 202-596-2571 to claim my $9000 , give them GG0721 to collect

Jon –

Victim Location 44481

Type of a scam Government Grant

Constantly getting calls for government grant to use any way you want without going to school. Want to connect you with federal student grant and say your in exchange for 10% of the grant.then the rest put in your checking account.i’ve tried too tell them to guilt calling they still keep calling the phone number is a one way call you cannot call back

Ronnie –

Victim Location 89146

Total money lost $1,900

Type of a scam Family/Friend Emergency

They called me saying I won $9000 I was got happy at the moment I was thinking straight now I lost 1900$ thanks to my Lack of knowledge

Jon –

Victim Location 51430

Type of a scam Government Grant

Called and verified my name, age and ss# and said i was to recieve a 9000.00 dollar federal grant. They gave me a activation code and then the phone number listed above.

I called the number and a second person answered the phone and told me to go to a western union and purchase a 200.00 dollar activation card to release my 9000.00 dollars into my bank account.

At this point i asked for the name of the Finical group and she said

United State’s Federal Government based out of New york. The name Given was Kathy Cooper.

I proceeded to tell her that this is not how the goverment works and there is usually paperwork involved with a Grant. She argues with me for several minutes.

I hope this gets cleared up.

Amelia –

Victim Location 23454

Type of a scam Government Grant

Got a phone call from "Michael" informing me I have been chosen by my phone number to receive $9,000 for "recovery". I was given a phone no. to call (2064517039) & a confirmation no. DG 6479.

Juan –

Victim Location 31201

Total money lost $1,000

Type of a scam Government Grant

My son was contacted by a man claiming to be Mr. William Conyer, Attorney for the offering him a large grant for his disability. He wanted us to pay $3,000 up front for the fees. SCAM SCAM SCAM

Courtney –

Victim Location 77707

Type of a scam Government Grant

There was a lady and a man who called me stating I have a $9200.00 Government Grant waiting for me at Walmart, they both have Indian Accents. So, I called them back on the 855 number they called me on and ask what this was about. For one thing, I know you have to apply for a Government Grant if you want one and you are not approve right-a-way. The lady said I paid all my bills on time so, it was a reward. I need to go to Walmart and pick up the money but, before that I would need to send them $350.00 for taxes. I told her just take the money out of the $9200.00 Government Grant they was sending me. She pause for a few minutes, they she ask me for my bank account number and she can transfer the monies into that…That’s when I told her I work for Home Land Security and the Justice Department and she hung up on me quick.

Andrea –

Victim Location 06424

Type of a scam Government Grant

message on facebook messenger about grant money waiting for me or anyone over 40 years old and was given a text number to apply which I did and was asked to send email to to [email protected] and a reply with details would be sent back I stopped there

Charlotte –

Victim Location 35761

Type of a scam Government Grant

Individual calling from a call center, noisy background, not English. States congratuations you have been selected for a free government grant. $9,750.00 Dollars. All I have to do was call this number 929-255-4417 and give this special number D00169914 and they would send me the money via mail to my address. They had my name and phone number plus my address.

Nicholas –

Victim Location 75077

Type of a scam Government Grant

Cheri had sent me a fb message (which I had to accept, but thought it was because I made a new fb and I didn’t think it was strange at the time). I know this woman pretty well and was happy to hear from her, at first it was small talk and she seemed to say things just like cheri. She proceeded to explain how happy she was and asked if I had heard the good news. I told her no I had not and she went on to explain a grant of some kind I can’t even explain because I didn’t quite understand it nor had I ever heard of it, but she said she got a free money grant of 150,000 and she wanted to help me get one too! We proceeded to message throughout the day and I thought it seemed a little odd she was pretty much selling this grant to me saying I could get it too. She told me a man helped her submit the grant info and that she recieved it next day via FedEx, this is when she gave me his number, told me he was online and told me to message him. Well it got to be about 10:30 PM and I know cheri pretty well to know she doesn’t just stay up on fb messenger messaging people late at night (well 10:30 is late to her anyways, she’s told me before in person not to call/text her after 9). I fell for it at first thinking cheri is so sweet and I trusted her, so I text the man (or whomever it was) he requested some basic information about me, which I gave with some caution. Then Cheri proceeds to message me that she had to pay a shipping fee which was a percentage of the grant and that she got it next day and she’s so excited and Hope’s i got the same deal. I then question her more asking is this really cheri? Saying this is like you to be online so late and what now seems to be pushing a grant onto me. I asked to call her and she tells me she had surgery and can’t speak and should be in bed but proceed to message me. So I text cheri on her cell phone and she tells me to stop, it’s a scam, that people had made a new fb with her name and picture and to not give them anything. I then tell the fake fb cheri that they are not real and they needed to stop and that’s when the man I had text told me they were reporting me to FBI and that they had my address and the cops would be there in the morning if I didn’t cooperate and complete the grant with them. I stopped responding. The real cheri says this has been a 3 day occurence now and that she has contacted fb and reported them but nothing seems to be done.

Ashlee –

Victim Location 45661

Type of a scam Government Grant

I applied for loans online. I got an email from a man who said I could get free grant money. I got a call from a woman in Washington DC, Sharon, 202-627-0399, ext. 104. She wanted $500. She told me to go to Walmart and buy a Google Play card. I offered my debit card, but she didn’t want it. I said I don’t have $500. She called back and said she’s come up with a new plan. She gave me an ID number, and told me to go buy a card for $250 fee to transfer the funds from Washington DC to me to activate an enrollment ID number. She told me that when I get to Walmart, she would tell me what card to buy. They’ve called me a bunch of times. She was foreign. Her supervisor was an American man.

Diane –

Victim Location 97527

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a fb message from a friend telling me she got $30000 cash delivered to her door but you have to invest money in order to get it.

Eugene –

Victim Location 46260

Type of a scam Government Grant

The government has chosen 800 people every year if you pay your bills on time and got good credit. I will receive $9000 for doing such a good job. I did not stay on the phone long enough to see if they expected me to pay something. I knew it was a scam because the Government don’t call you to give away money.

Amber –

Victim Location 47359

Type of a scam Government Grant

Consumer was called on the phone and was told that she could get a grant for $7,000 but would have to pay $200 to get in money grams in activation fees.

Jessie –

Victim Location 23321

Type of a scam Government Grant

It began with a new message from Messanger on Facebook. I thought I was talking to my aunt. The message kept asking me questions about a government grant program. I became suspicious when I was repeatedly asked if I had received information about the grant program. It was the allegation government program. I had never heard of it and asked for an explanation of what it was. There was no explanation, so I went online and found out it was a scam.

Jeffrey –

Victim Location 82240

Type of a scam Government Grant

This company contacted me and told me i was gonna recieve 14thousand dollars from the government .she stated i qualified for this grant because i had a clean profile which i didnt understand .i stated to her that i did have a criminal record which she said i did not ..i gave her my drivers licence number and mailing address after i asked her if it was a scam …she was defensive and insisted it was not so i was placed on hold for a grant manager my mind i knew something was amiss so i hung up and called a number she gave me …the number that she called from and the number she gave me were both non existant..she called back and i told her niether number existed and she got upset so i told her i would report her to the fbi and she has not called back

Jamie –

Victim Location 49740

Type of a scam Government Grant

They called me and said because I have paid all my taxes and bills on time the Government is giving me $9500. I need to go to Walmart and pick up a registration card for $250. As soon as I do that, I need to call 315-517-4020 to confirm.

I then hung up.

Lacey –

Victim Location 12986

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was facebook messaged from a family member, stating about a government grant and gave me a number to text but do not call, so i did. They gave me a bunch of information and asked if i wanted to apply for it i said ok it then asked for a list of personal info including my full name, address, marital status, whether i owned or rented my home, occupation and how much i make at my job and told me to answer fully and honestly thats when i deleted it. I called my family member and he said he had deleted his acct 3 weeks ago so i deleted and blocked that person on facebook

Pedro –

Victim Location 28451

Type of a scam Phishing

I have been contacted a few dozen times over the last few days from different number. Each time with the same pitch about winning a $9000 grant. Each time by a middle eastern person with a very heavy accent. After wasting their time on a few occasions i was told that i would be killed, that i was a disgrace to my family, and that my children would burn in ***l. The attached image is one of 7 screenshots from my call log to show the volume of calls i have recieved in the last three days.

Jeremiah –

Victim Location 60623

Type of a scam Government Grant

Voicemail was left on my phone by an automated message that stated: Please call me urgent on same number (518-312-4916) to collect your grant.

I’ve never applied for any grant in the past 7 years.

Holly –

Victim Location 74301

Type of a scam Government Grant

I wouldnt give him my information. And used very vulgar language. I have never been spoke to like that.

Caleb –

Victim Location 72010

Total money lost $1,000

Type of a scam Government Grant

I have a friend who sent me this number and he claims it is a grant for a loan from the government

Adam –

Victim Location 59068

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received a message on Facebook from who I thought was a family member at first just asking how I was. As the conversation went on, the scammer asked if I had heard the good news. I asked what news and they proceed to tell me about this grant that would help with low income families on the rent or mortgage payments for 1 year. When I asked what to do to qualify I was given a phone number to call 806-464-0206. When I called there was no answer but they immediately sent a text back. They asked if I was trying to qualify and I answered yes. He said his name was Robert J Murphy and that he could help get me started. They then started asking for personal information such as an address, phone number etc.. When I realized it was a scam, I told him that I knew this wasn’t real and that I would be reporting this. He then sent a message back and threatened to kill my son at his home address if I did not finish giving them my information. I immediately blocked the phone number and reported it to the police.

Barry –

Victim Location 28079

Type of a scam Government Grant

Person who hacked my friend’s Facebook Messenger told me about some great news, when I asked what person says "I got $200,000 from the Government Grants Program they are helping the Working Age,Retired,Disabled and Old in the Community with Cash" "I think you should contact their claiming agent now on their page before the programme closed. Do you know how to do that?" I say no, so they say "So All you have to do is to text this number *** that your friend lead you to this grant and you want to know if you are entitled to their grant." When I say I don’t text, they tell me to go to this website: ***   I didn’t click on it but said my virus software wouldn’t let me go on that site. They’re still trying to find a way to get me to go along with this. I was hoping there was a way for a legitimate authority to catch them in the act

Ian –

Victim Location 27589

Type of a scam Government Grant

They call &say you won a government grant for 9000 dollar . They want to send 200 dollar to receive the grant.

Terry –

Victim Location 43701

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a phone call today from a woman, she said I was approved for a government grant of $6900, because I don’t owe taxes, and never had a felony. She gave me her ID number and a number to call her back 240-345-0183. She said she was at 900 Rockville Pike, MD. She transferred me to Antonio Williams. He said he was with the government, badge number AW1998. He asked for my dob and license number, and I gave them my date of birth and license plate number he told me to go to Walmart and buy a Go Bank card for $400.00. They say they will give me a government grant. I told them they were scammers. They called me back and said I abused them. I’m a single mother and scamming people like me is pitiful.

Emily –

Victim Location 12207

Type of a scam Government Grant

This agent won’t tell me the address ,only texts me ,but I can’t talk by phone,and promising if I pay 500 dollars ,I’ll retrieve 25,000!Swearing on GOD I’ll get the money,it will be delivered and I’ll get and certificate once I pay the fee,it’s very tricky almost feel wheeled in !

Logan –

Victim Location 80233

Type of a scam Government Grant

I have received quite a few phone call’s within two day’s so far. Some times it’s a woman but most of the time it’s men telling me I have been picked to receive free grant money. They go on to tell me they are calling from Washington, DC and they are with the Federal Government Grant Department. As soon as they ask me if I have any questions for them, I say "Yes I do" then they ask me "Ok What Is Your Question?".. That’s when I say "I know that Grant’s don’t call people, so I know your a scam." And most of the time they hang up right after I say that. Now at one point I did tell them to remove my number from there list and to stop calling me but so far they have not…..

Bridget –

Victim Location 35228

Type of a scam Government Grant

They call me and told me that the government has a grant for me for 8000 dollars and they gave me a I’d number talking about go pay 199.00 fee to get the money

Christine –

Victim Location 60174

Type of a scam Government Grant

gave a document number db156 and to call 855-999-2025 for 9200 dollar grant

Deanna –

Victim Location 13141

Type of a scam Government Grant

I asked to be taken off the call list and guy on the phone told me I obviously didn’t understand what a government grant was and i explained I didn’t have understanding issues. I wanted off call list. Guy told me to *** *** ***.

Guy has called 6 times today.

Alexander –

Victim Location 63137

Type of a scam Government Grant

offering $300.000 for a $1500 fee

Wesley –

Victim Location 44883

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a text saying I was eligible for a govt grant. They want $500 to get $50,000 grant. They asked my income, age, married or single. I told them I didn’t have $500, and I was skeptical. They told me to go to 2 different places and buy iTune gift cards, scratch off the back and take a picture of it, and I would get my money by UPS within 7 hours. They asked if I wanted cash or check. They keep texting me. They got a picture of my house from the internet because I gave them my house number. I am on disability. They were making it look like texts were coming from my cousin’s phone. They were talking like they were my cousin, saying it was ok to do this. I was on Facebook, and they hacked in when I was looking at my nieces Facebook page. They had a list of form letters.

Shannon –

Victim Location 77705

Type of a scam Government Grant

Guy called stated i won a $9600 Government Grant, all i have to do is sent them $250.00. Sent it by Visa Credit Card over the phone, as soon as they get it they are going to deposit the money in my account.  once i told him I didn’t have the money right now.  He told me to call him back when i get the money.

Tabitha –

Victim Location 29301

Type of a scam Government Grant

They keep call every 5 to ten minutes just to say that I have a government grant but they want me to send the gift cards to them from Walmart or Walgreens

Kathleen –

Victim Location 77496

Type of a scam Government Grant

Received two phone calls in the last week. Both were women. They both said that I qualify for government grant money in the amount of $9000.00 that I don’t have to pay back. The first one wanted my checking account number or debit card number. The second one told me to call 360-209-8793 and give them the government grant number UG559. I did so, the man said that I could receive the deposit into my bank account or by certified check, but I must wire him $200.00 first for registration fee. One of them told me to shut up and hung up on me.

Olivia –

Victim Location 40422

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a Facebook message from my friend a couple of days ago I hadn’t talked to her in forever. She texted me and asked if I had heard the good news that she had gotten $250,000 from a grant and that she saw my name on the list. She gave me a number to call. I texted the number and was told that I should go buy gift cards. When I got the number I was to call him and he would tell me what to do. He said the government had money left over from 2009-2010. My fiance told me to check w/BBB who told me it was a scam.

Ernest –

Victim Location 77662

Type of a scam Government Grant

Got a call from a man stating I won a government grant of $9500.00 on a recording, call him back at 469-854-4862.  Tried calling him back at that number and it just rings.  This Friday morning they call me saying, Yes! I won $9500.00 and they wanted me to give him my bankl account number.  That sound kind of fishy to me so, I told him, I would call him back.  Then I call the to found out how true that was.

Dominique –

Victim Location 14620

Total money lost $100

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was on instagram and this girl said hey you just won this raffle you just need to put down 100 dollars and get 10,000 back so I put down the $100 and when I did that they said I needed an extra$300 in order to get the $10,000 I don’t know what to do now I didn’t pay the $300 but they still have my $100

Christopher –

Victim Location 29209

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received multiple calls 5 to 30 minutes apart for several days. The callers had a strong a dialect representative of a foreigner. Caller(s) claimed that I was eligible for a government grant. They had basic information like my name and were trying to get me to disclose personal information. I hung up each time and they continued to call. I have provided all of the numbers that the scammers used. The calls have finally ceased.

Whitney –

Victim Location 64063

Type of a scam Government Grant

They are men clearly from another country not United States and all they say is you have been qualified for government grants and when I say anything they hang up and if I call the number back it says This number cannot be completed as dialed.

Jill –

Victim Location 14207

Type of a scam Government Grant

Rep states you have been selected for a $8200.00 free money give a way from the US government which you do not have to pay back and it is a one in the lifetime money you get. Person is supposed to go to Walmart/ Family Dollar to buy a activation card for the amount of $200.00 dollars. Person you their supposed name, ID number, and contact information for you to call them back on parking lot before you get the activation card. He will guide you through the process.

Kimberly –

Victim Location 70359

Type of a scam Government Grant

Received numerous phone calls and text messages regarding money that I’ve been awarded by the Government. I did not speak to anyone, but continue to receive these text/phone calls.

Candace –

Victim Location 44119

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received a call stating that i had won a government grant and I had to go to Walmart to get a gift card and send her the money

Carl –

Victim Location 41301

Total money lost $100

Type of a scam Government Grant

Received a phone call saying I was randomly picked to receive a$9,000.00 free Government Grant, go to Wal-Mart, CVC, anywhere to get a Steam card for $100. Since I couldn’t afford a $200 one. Wich Would give me $4,500 in my bank account.Lila Burns was my phone adviser on this prosses. Needless to say at the end I was denied this transaction. Call the Federal Reserve Bank and talked to a Mr.Black 318-600-8491 they wanted an extra$250.for money transfer. All in all i lost 100 dollars. I’m on S.S. such a same how they use people who are in financial trouble to start out with.I hope someone does something please

Glenn –

Victim Location 15057

Type of a scam Government Grant

Look up government grant scam and the very first link is in nerd wallet, read the description, same exact things!

Geoffrey –

Victim Location 41751

Type of a scam Government Grant

Received a call on my mobile phone at 12:14 p.m. from a 606-618-0041 number and the man introduced himself as Officer Steven Smith. He said he’s calling because the U.S. Government randomly picked my number from a national poll to grant a $9,200 financial assistant sum that is totally free to me. He told me I could choose to receive the money through a credit card, check or through a local Walmart cash center. He gave me a confirmation number #AJ329 code along with a contact number 502-209-7781 and repeatedly read off the numbers to me. He told me to immediately call the number he gave me and speak with his manager for further instructions on getting the cash in my hands. Repeated texted were sent to my mobile number when I did not follow through. 10 minutes later another man called from a different number 646-406-4159 and gave me the same speech but only offered $2,000 and this number 202-930-2372. He told me to call his manager for further instructions and use the same confirmation code I was given by the first caller. I’m reporting this to the BBB because I know scams are going on and I’m hoping this will help stop some of it. Thank you for existing BBB.

Jessie –

Victim Location 21221

Type of a scam Government Grant

From messenger a friend told me they had so my name on a list she had just got $90,000 Grant from the government. She gave me the phone number to call the lady about the grant. I am not sure if my friends messenger got hacked or if she is in on it because she was always a shady kind of person anyway

Raymond –

Victim Location 60628

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was told that if I pay $200. I would get 9,000.00

Devin –

Victim Location 84043

Type of a scam Government Grant

Call another number with a confirmation number to receive a 7k Grant. 347 980 7261

Gabriel –

Victim Location 95765

Type of a scam Government Grant

Scammer called and told me that I was selected for a government grant on my work phone number. About 2 weeks ago I had these same calls, from different numbers, non-stop for 2 days. I finally entertained the jerk and he told me that I had to qualify and asked if I had a high school diploma or GED. I told him I didn’t get past 6th grade and let him continue the conversation. After confirming multiple times that I didn’t "qualify" for the "grant" I asked that he take my number off of his list. The calls finally stopped. So far this is the only call that I’ve received from this area code today.

Roberto –

Victim Location 34951

Type of a scam Government Grant

I have been awarded a u.s.government grant for $9200. to be used however i wish. Was informed that i do not need to give my ss#

Call 718-514-7372 and give the grant # I was given. When I called that number they put me on hold. According to reverse phone directory the 718 number is in the Bronx and the 202 number is a bandwidth.

Sharon –

Victim Location 35044

Type of a scam Government Grant

They keep calling my phone,p. I have about 20 calls today from they. I have told the repeatedly to stop calling me. They will change their number by 1-2 digits. Cursing them out does not help.

Lee –

Victim Location 33322

Type of a scam Government Grant

Consumer was called by someone saying they were with the government and offering a grant. Person said her name was Jessica Foster in NY. Consumer was told her name was randomly picked because she is unemployed. Was told she would get a grant $9,000 and pick it up at Walmart. The person on the phone asked for her checking account number. Consumer did not give it. (315) 628-1515 was also another number given.

Bruce –

Victim Location 14215

Type of a scam Government Grant

Received a phone call that i was selected for a 9000 dollar grant just needed to put 200 on a goggle car and give them the code

Frank –

Victim Location 48224

Type of a scam Government Grant

They call me on my phone, They didn’t say what company they called form, They told me I can receive a government Grant, And I don;t have to pay it back. I can pay bills, buy a car,take a trip,but no beer.They gave me a code and another phone number to call. The first number 202-643-3394, Then 202-594-8837. They told to go to Wal-Mart, to pick up a money gram. Call them back when I get there, Send them $200.

this is so the money can be released to me. They have called e three times already. I have no plans to go to Wal-Mart at all. I told them was a scam they won;t get money from me today or tomorrow.

Latoya –

Victim Location 48092

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

text message saying I won a facebook profile from WCAB radomly selected. go get 750.00 on a walmart or an itunes card and take a picture and send it to them. They will then send info as to how to send it to fedex after they get the picture and they will send the cash prize. Constantly badgering me about getting it, finally stopped after hours of going back and forth and my daughter told them to leave me alone and she was heading to police station.

Jesus –

Victim Location 51501

Type of a scam Government Grant

Friday 9/14 I received 8 phone calls from 347-880-1230 before noon, of which I answered twice and was informed I was selected for government grant money. Both times I asked them to not call me again and take me off their list. I then received an additional ELEVEN (11) calls from 369-445-2180 telling me that again my number was selected for government grant money. Of the 11 calls, I was able to answer probably 5 – and each time asking to be removed from list. The last call I asked to speak to a supervisor and informed him that I was respectful in asking all the other times to not be called and informed that I had reported both phone numbers via the do not call registry and requested again to not be called again. Monday 9/17 I began receiving calls from 369-584-2536 and again, same story of government grants. I told the guy to listen clearly to me – and he then interrupted me and said NO YOU LISTEN TO ME – I hung up at that point. If I do see the call come through, which there have been more since this morning i have just been answering and crinkling paper into the phone or turning music up very loud. Hoping they will get the hint. I truly don’t know how to get these people to stop calling me.

Michelle –

Victim Location 95350

Type of a scam Government Grant

Called me 40 times won’t stop.

Samantha –

Victim Location 80020

Type of a scam Phishing

Sounds like a cold call right away. The only thing they know about you initially is your name and phone number. They tell you they will wire 9,700 dollars to a walmart, wells fargo, etc. To be able to to that they need to verify who you are either by birth date, date of graduation, driver’s license number….etc. I never got past this request but they are relentless in their persistence. They call me 3 times an hour and this has been going on for 2 days now. Always a different person and sometimes a different number but the same pitch about a grant that I have been selected to receive. Some of the numbers they called from:

369-525-3658 / 369-742-3658 / 369-475-2563 / 369-422-6523 / 369-486-2549 / 364-252-1028 /

Christine –

Victim Location 85365

Type of a scam Government Grant

They called me and told me that I was eligible for an $8,000.00 government grant. All I would have to do is go to Walmart or Western Union, call Michelle at (253) 260-4390 and give her the grant approval number, and get a money order for $199.00. They said once they received the money order, I would receive the $8,000.00 and the $199.00 back

Leslie –

Victim Location 14224

Type of a scam Government Grant

FB friend request of a known friend. Then messaged me thru messenger.

Daisy –

Victim Location 63116

Total money lost $100

Type of a scam Government Grant

Asks you to purchase 2 $50.00 Google play store cards.with a promise of a government grant of $8,000.00 Then you give them the number scratched off and they place you on hold then they say we are sorry but you have to purchase $500.00 because of your state. I use the money I didn’t have believing these people. My wife and son’s mom just passed away and I could use the money to give her a great burial. SCAAAAAMERS

Reginald –

Victim Location 78390

Total money lost $800

Type of a scam Phishing

This is what I been getting even phone calls telling me if I don’t pay I could go to jail I have three kids and they need me here very much so if u can please help me

Pedro –

Victim Location 46562

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a call from 220-891-8359. I was to call Laura at the 360-717-5140 Ext 101 Walmart card for $250.00. And I was to get $9200.00. I knew it was a scam. It was when I called Laura and she requested the money and wanted me to call her as soon as I got in the parking lot. Then I called BBB.

Chase –

Victim Location 13440

Type of a scam Government Grant

Person called claiming student had been randomly selected from a pool of college students that met certain criteria. Requested bank routing/account number to deposit money into. Offered a different call back number to discuss other payment options. Person had a lot of personal information (name, age, zip code, phone etc) and called on the first day of school, so likely had knowledge she was starting college.

Shaun –

Victim Location 79707

Total money lost $1,000

Type of a scam Government Grant

They claimed to be a gov. Grant out of washington state they wanted my bank acc. Info to pay the taxs plus they wanted google cards to pay plus the emtyed out my bank acc.  

Vincent –

Victim Location 30096

Type of a scam Government Grant

Cloned account of family friend, explained that they recently received a grant for $200,000, then they gave me a number to apply for grant, next they asked for my full name, mother’s name, my address, salary, occupation, phone number, email address, & cell number,lastly they said I was approved & requested money for processing fee

Brian –

Victim Location 14043

Type of a scam Government Grant

Person told me i was to receive a 9000.00 grant from the goverment. Wanted me to say that i accepted it. Just say yes!!! Told her no. And hung up.

Mark –

Victim Location 44813

Type of a scam Government Grant

Initially, the first caller a woman called from 456-482-9563 in unclear English and stated that they were offering government grant. She had my name and zip code. I was curious to hear the rest of the offer, and answered about 3 questions. After that she provided me phone number to call, to which I was to give a certain CODE after I answered more questions. I did not answer the other questions, however, I did call the number she gave me 518-768-1678 and proceeded to give a "made up" code number to the man that answered. After that I was transferred to another department. Then I was disconnected. Then I received a text message saying "Hi you sounds to old I don’t want to [censored] with you hahaha". Then a second text message saying "hahahahaha". I then called back the number, and stated I wanted my number removed. A man answered saying to me "are you F-***" spelling the words out. I restated I wanted my number removed. That’s when he asked what’s your name? My wife said to me don’t they know your name? And that’s when he said to me, "I don’t want to talk to you, what’s your wife’s name. Let me talk to your wife so I can [censored] her". I hung up.

He sent another text message saying [censored] you. I called the number 518-768-1678 again and the recording says "The Google subscriber is not available, please leave a message". I tried calling them again and got a child like voice (kind of like disguising the voice) answering. I hung up and called again. I got a man and he asked "Is this [censored]?" I told him I was going to call again until my number is removed from the harassing. I told them that their number is already shown as a "Government Scam" or "Fake Federal Scam". Then he said give me your wife’s number, give me that lady’s name and number and I’ll call her so I can satisfy her. I hung up. And called back in again. This time the voice that was child like started ‘singing’. The singing seemed to be like a mantra of some sort. And obviously it was to get me tired to stop calling them back, but since they were threatening me by making the call in the first place and then threatening what they want to do to my wife, well I am going to continue to call them until my number is removed from their system. After that I got too more text with a [censored] you message. Why doesn’t the Department of Justice and Google go after these folks?

Micah –

Victim Location 77082

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received a phone call from a lady stating that she worked for the government and that I was granted by the government a loyalty grant of 9,000 that I could use on anything except illegal things. She called me from 646-818-9380. She said that this grant was not have to be paid back. She provided me with DC number for the grant and a number to call to speak with another agent.That number was 315-600-8537. After speaking with the gentleman he stated that I was being given this grant and that I would receive it through western union. He stated that in order for me to get the 9,000 grant I needed to purchase a 200.00 card at the store that I was going to for western union. I informed the gentleman that if the grant was free why should I have to pay 200.00 for a card when you can just send the money through western union. Scammers. They did not get me though. I have more since than that.

Grace –

Victim Location 77708

Type of a scam Government Grant

Some woman call my phone stating I will get a free government grant.  You can do whatever you want with it. She want my name and social security number.  WIll I wouldn’t give it to you, thought it was a scam.  The women started given me an atittude so, iI hung up on her.


Sheena –

Victim Location 49401

Type of a scam Government Grant

These people continuously call me saying their from the government and my name has been drawn to receive a grant of $9000 and then they give another number to call which they state is their supervisor and a id nuumber they tell me to go to a store that does western union and call that number when im in the parking lot and he (the supervisor )will give me further instructions .then the other man tells me that i need to get a western union card load it with $250 just in case anything goes wrong with the $9000 western union transfer but nothing should he state but not to worry because the 250 is totally refunded .when i tell then i want their web site so i can look them up they get a little hostile with me and give me their web site and when i advise them that if they were from the government their web site would end in .gov they got mad they won’t stop calling .i get 2 or more phone calls a day from different number i block them after i ask them to stop calling and to take me off their list .one of them told me that he will not stop calling me that he will call me as much as he wants to.i feel like im being bullied by these be exact they just called while im writing this and the number said from texas so that makes 3 just today from different states.this needs to STOP!!!

Mathew –

Victim Location 37312

Type of a scam Government Grant

They call stating I was picked to receive a grant because I graduated high school or got a ged. Asked when that was. I asked if this was a scam and if I could call them back. He hung up on me.

Same thing every time they call

Emily –

Victim Location 70068

Type of a scam Government Grant

Same as the one reported to you on 7/23/2018 gave the numner of 646-389-5024 to call and here’s the code of BR123 said the same things as the one reported on July tried to check the number that called but the last number was left off 952-290-786 thats how it showed on my phone.

Curtis –

Victim Location 96007

Type of a scam Government Grant

I’m Agent Robert Holding ,the claim agent from the 210 department of the GGF(Government Green-Grant Fund& federal government humanity and poverty eradication for all. If you are here to claim the GGF on going bonus fund kindly reply with YES.

Shannon –

Victim Location 46953

Type of a scam Government Grant

I first received a call from 232-4455, with no area code. A man saying I was selected to receive $9000 free government grant. Etc..then you have to call 240-542-9442 and a foreign lady explains the BS and she is very rude. Does not sound like a GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE..

Charles –

Victim Location 38106

Type of a scam Government Grant

I recd a text message on Monday July 23, 2018 to apply for a $30,000 Government Grant; another no. was 707-247-8841. I was instructed to go to Walmart to purchase an iTune card for $500 — that would be the activation process. I texted them back and told them I would check w/the BBB before sending money, but I knew it was a scam.

Note: I was not able to obtain his phone no. because he faded away while I was speaking w/him. He must have been on his cell phone.

Jodi –

Victim Location 38134

Type of a scam Government Grant

I recd a text msg last week and this week. Today, I recd another text msg and a phone call. His name was Robert John and he said he works for the Federal Govt in conjunction w/the Australian, Canadian and UK Govt. He offered me $50,000 but I had to go to Walmart and purchase

a moneygram for $375. So far I have not responded.

Audrey –

Victim Location 36603

Type of a scam Government Grant

Pay $ 300,go to money gram or western union ,for $9,000 government grant. ,818-450-8800 and 202-813-9390

Catherine –

Victim Location 65203

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a call from a person at this number telling me I had received a government grant for $11,300. I had never applied for a government grant. The person I spoke to had a foreign accent and tried to tell me this was real.

Kristina –

Victim Location 83338

Type of a scam Phishing

They said there was a government survey of people who have not filed government bankruptcies in the last 6 mos, basically that you were a good person, that kind of a thing, low income. I thought. "what kind of call is this?". They were trying to make it sound legitimate and official which immediately raised red flags for me. She said there were 1000 people chosen across the U.S. They made it have a sense of urgency that you had to call right away and you would not get your money unless you called. Sounded like it was coming from a call center. They said I would receive a grant for $9000 and gave me grant ID # BB2319. They gave me a phone number to call back which is 646-389-5024 and to ask for Robot Spencer.

Andre –

Victim Location 63830

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received a call from this number saying I had been approved for a $9,000 government grant. I never applied for a grant. They wanted to put it straight into my bank but then wanted to Western Union it to me.

Rafael –

Victim Location 68503

Type of a scam Government Grant

This site is run by Angela Hester, its located on Facebook at the following address ….. She is offering grants up to several thousands of dollars. I don’t know to much about it as I decided it wasnt for real and backed out before things got serious. I hope you do to.

""My friend who told me to check it out gave them 100.00 and she says, they did give her the money . ( I have doubts ). They are targeting the disabled, handicapped, the elderly.""

Danny –

Victim Location 00729

Type of a scam Government Grant

I Received a call explaining that that Government has a one in my Lifetime giving me a $9,000.00 that i can have them put it in my account or pick up a a Walmart Store. I never gave them my name or my account. I new this was a Scam i told them that I’ll pick it up @ the Store. Then the Female gave me this information to call this # and they will ask me a few information but i must call the # 315 623-0544 and then i would need to give them this Code OS135. I never called. The phone # is home phone, the carrier is Verizon & it’s from

Constantia, NY 13044.

Rebecca –

Victim Location 65721

Total money lost $1,200

Type of a scam Government Grant

I had a woman who I thought was my friend contact me about a $80,000 grant which cost her $800. The scammer told me I qualified for a $120,000 grant and they would take 1% of the proceeds, so $1,200. We sent them $1,200 on May 21, 2018. Then they came back the next day and said there was a problem and they needed more fees so FedEx would deliver the money. That was $3,000. Both I sent through Western Union. My husband called my friend who said they were impersonating her. The $1,200 they had already picked up. The $3,000 Western Union was able to stop. Then the scammers kept messaging me saying "where is our money", "I’m an FBI Agent and we will get you for money laundering", etc. I changed my phone number, email, etc to get them to stop harassing me.

Lisa –

Victim Location 13069

Type of a scam Government Grant

This phone number called multiple times today. When I finally answered they said they were with government grants and wanted to give me $9000. All I had to do was have a ONE NIGHT STAND with them. I told them I was thirteen and didn’t understand. They kept asking me over and over again if I was a VIRGIN. This is obviously very unprofessional and sexual harassment at its finest.

Leah –

Type of a scam Government Grant

Facebook message looked like it came from one of my contacts. Said they got money from a government grant and noticed my name on the list and I hadn’t collected it.

They wanted to send me a contact number and I said no thus is a scam. Heard nothing else back from them but they must have accessed my contacts as some of them. Are now. Getting the same message.

Tara –

Victim Location 25403

Type of a scam Government Grant

Calls where redial says non working number. They say there are government grants waiting. They will ACH funds after they get credit card info. They say they have My financial records. No way. Never give anyone personal info. Government never calls to give you grants.

Jeremiah –

Victim Location 63877

Total money lost $250

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got a phone call from *** telling me I’m getting a $9000 grant all I had to do was pay the $250 registration for federal reservebank. So I paid that and she sent me to call646-694-2574 Alex hunter… I called him and he said that the grant can’t go through because of state to state taxes….. told me I needed $750 on a Google play card……. said its being monitered by BBB and FBI….. This is it

Emmanuel –

Victim Location 29526

Total money lost $2,000

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was contacted by a friend on messenger that he had gotten a federal grant free of charge. Later was contacted by a man claiming to be a federal agent saying I could get a federal grant by contacting a certain phone number to send his a message that I wanted to apply for a federal grant. The agent then told me I was accepted for the grant. After sending them $500 to an person named Brenda Franklin in Salis Mississippi I was told that I had to pay $20000 to the IRS but it was supposed to be sent to thee same address. I didn’t have that kind of money so my friend offered to send it for me out of his money. After borrowing $900 and sending it still no money. Always one excuse after the other. So trusting my friend I sent another $900 thru western union to the same per. Still no money another excuse. Then I called the and was told that it may not have been my friend that contacted me. I tried calling him and no answer so asked him to call me. When I answered the phone I knew it wasn’t him. They had been using his messenger to contact me all along and he had not sent them any money it was all a scam to get what they could. A supposed lawyer called me from phone number 4243275209 and assured me the scam was legitimate and to send the money. I called the and was informed of thee scam and how to report it. Please if anyone claiming to be a friend on messenger asks you to apply for a federal grant report it immediately. Call that friend and make sure it is actually them. I am now out of most of my social security check due to the fact they used a true friend. They are scammers.

Lance –

Victim Location 73533

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was told that I was chosen to receive a grant for $14,566. The guy told me I needed to put $350 on a Google card for 5 minutes. After the initial 5 minutes, the grant money would be put on the card. He said that Google was providing the money to the government to make the grant possible.

Kara –

Victim Location 95662

Type of a scam Government Grant

They called and told me i won a government grant and ask me of I knew how I won it. I told them my government would never call me about a loan and they hung up. I have received multiple calls from the same people.

Mallory –

Victim Location 62254

Type of a scam Government Grant

Have you heard about the Federal Government Department of Health and Human Services recently about a give out to everyone,helping individuals to reach their goals ? I am so excited right now because i got the sum of $200.000.00 cash from the Federal government Department of Health and Human Service and have you get yours yet? They are Helping old,young, working,deaf, hearing and retired people with Cash, I wonder if you get your money yet because I saw your name on the Federal Government Winners list ,Did you got yours too.? You need to contact the Claiming Agent now to claim yours too …do you know how to do that??? Text her now and let her know i told you about this and you are ready to claim yours too now, *** ***. Please be advised to get in touch with the Agent on her text now to know if your name is still on the list to claim the grant money okay?

Mallory –

Victim Location 43062

Type of a scam Government Grant

My friends Facebook account was hacked. I got an Instant Messenger. My friend’s message was that God was good, and he was blessed, he got grant money that he didn’t have to repay. He told me to call a lawyer, James Scott, offering me a government grant, of $30,000.00. He said he would send me something by FedEx. When I called the number 509-600-0216 nobody answered.

Tanya –

Victim Location 29645

Type of a scam Government Grant

Received phone 202-147-7529. They told me that I was approved for a grant to use how ever, no payment, no taxes. Approval #GS7022. Call 202-688-5862. They told me that I could get 9,000.00 on a credit card or Western Union. Go to Western Union and giver them the approval # and pay 200.00 and I will receive 9,000.00. I did not go to Western Union because you thought it was a scam.

Stephen –

Victim Location 29601

Type of a scam Phishing

I received a text message from a good friend of mine saying that she had received $85,000 to help pay for bills, etc and that all I need to do is call this number back and I can receive the same amount. I did not call the number back as I know it’ll be someone trying to get me to send them money.

Evelyn –

Victim Location 43302

Type of a scam Government Grant

They said they are from government grant department and that my name was chosen from a survey they did to receive 9000.00. They wanted me to go to Wal-Mart and send 200.00 registration fee, which they say i will get back with the grant money. They asked for a credit card number so they could put the grant money on it. They said they are registered with the bbb, so i called and its a scam. I didn’t send them any money, but they keep calling from a private number.

Cassie –

Victim Location 34769

Type of a scam Government Grant

Here is the agent text contact (701)543-2380 text him that a friend told you this and you are ready to claim your package

This Social Grant Company and Federal Government Department of Workers Compensation Appeals Board(WCAB).We embark on a nationwide Social promo, this is a new program put in place to help every citizen in improving their standard of living, pay up their bills, raise up their children and to eradicate poverty for all the citizens. helping the people of the Canadian, England, Europe and American citizens.

Larry –

Victim Location 50226

Type of a scam Government Grant

The person that called said they were with a government grant company and that i had been selected to recieve a grant over $9000 i couldnt understand much but he verified my name and zip code then gave me a permission id and a number to call to confirm. They said it could be direct deposited or sent via money gram. About 10 min. After the first call another one came in saying the same thing

Audrey –

Victim Location 43614

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received a phone call from a man saying I got a $9,500 grant. Asked me to go to Rite Aid. I had to pay a certification fee. She said the money was coming from New York. Give them the code on the back. They wanted me to call from the parking lot. I spoke to a man and woman, both sounded like Arabic, Indian or Asian. They asked me my age. They asked what I would use the money for. They told me not to use the money for illegal purposes, like drugs.

Travis –

Victim Location 98275

Total money lost $200

Type of a scam Government Grant

We received a phone call from a Glen Roger (ID 7618W) informing us that we have a grant for $14,563 from the Dept of Material Institute of health.

We discussed with Mr Roger what was required to receive the grant and he said we needed to purchase a Google play card for $100.00(2 $50.00 cards)

which we did and relayed the numbers to him to set up our ID.

After about twenty minutes he said he needed another card for $100.00 (2 $50.00 cards) more to setup the account, again we complied.

Then he called and said that everything was set and we were to call the bank (Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y) and gave us the phone number that is 347-871-0255 and spoke to a James Wright, after another 30 minutes we were told that there was a problem with the software and they needed $675.00 more because the codes(75328491 & 92131995) given will not work.

After a heated discussion we canceled and hung up.

Johnny –

Victim Location 29841

Type of a scam Government Grant

Said that I had won a Grant, which is funny since i never applied for one. Also said that i needed to send them 1500.00 to receive it.

No im not that stupid. Block and report

Brett –

Victim Location 43028

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received a call today from 360-339-7486, x. 307, Michael. He knew my town. He said the government was rewarding consumers who paid their bills. He said I would be eligible for a $9000 grant. He told me to go to Western Union at Walmart. He never mentioned any fees. When I got to Walmart, I called him back. That’s when he said I would have to Western Union them $200.He told me to tell Wells Fargo that I needed a security card. I said I don’t have $200, and you didn’t it. So he said I could call him back with my ID number rm242 when I get my $200. He had a foreign accent.

Donna –

Victim Location 30107

Total money lost $1,300

Type of a scam Government Grant

This man, Daniel, is telling my husband he will give him $9,200 in Grant Money through the Federal Bank in NY. He then says there is a fee needed. My husband has given him over a thousand dollars in fees involving credit cards he buys and gives him the numbers off the cards. My husband believes he will get the money deposited today! My husband has been scammed before, a year or so ago, in the same way, but does not remember. I tried to stop him while talking to this Daniel, first a woman who then turned it over to Daniel, and the man told him to go to his car to get away from me. I could not get the phone number from his phone, but will try to today.

Ian –

Victim Location 43103

Type of a scam Government Grant

Jhon-Scot-quich-flip wanted me to send them $200 by Western Union. They told me I would get a government grant for $4000.

Tammy –

Victim Location 71019

Type of a scam Government Grant


Jonathan –

Victim Location 74960

Total money lost $150

Type of a scam Government Grant

There is someone trying to give people 75k grant Uses MSN Messenger and Facebook. I did photo conversation.

Michael –

Victim Location 95616

Type of a scam Government Grant

Called and said I was eligible for a Grant

And refused to send check yea right

Arthur –

Victim Location 12809

Type of a scam Government Grant

They go trough face book contact and send hello old friend and then tell how much they got for grant money and tell you how easy it is don’t believe them loss hunders of dollars

Anthony –

Victim Location 43203

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got an IM from my high school friend. She told me she got money and for me to contact Agent Lawrence Davis about a government grant. $80,000 for a $1,000. He wants Amazon cards.

Leslie –

Victim Location 96706

Type of a scam Government Grant

They called me staring I was selected for a government grant chosen by my geografical area. They did not know my name so I gave a false name. She gave me a number to call her supervisor with a confirmation code to get a grant with none of my personal information needed. Started off GG 1003 (sounded generic)

Then John Nelson told me I needed to go down to the store buty a prepaid card that can accept 9300.00 which would have to be brought on a Google play card and that would be reenbursted. Like really dude. He was trying trying to tell me I had to st as y connected till after I brought the card. I knew it was a scam.

Brianna –

Victim Location 23114

Type of a scam Government Grant

“This is a new program established by the Federal Government for those who need assistance paying for bills,buying a home,starting their own business,going to school, or even helping raise their children with old and retired people, i got $90,000. delivered to me when i applied for the

grant and you don’t have to pay it back, you can also apply too.”

I will send agent Bede Parry official private text number to you So that you can also apply too

You pay $300 and get $15,000.00 You pay $500 and get $25,000.00 You pay $800 and get $50,000.00 You pay $1,000 and get $90,000,00. You pay $1,500 and get $120,000.00 You pay $2,000 and get $150,000,00. You pay $2,500 and get $200,000.00 You pay $3,000 and get $250,000.00 You pay $3,500 and get $300,000.00 You pay $4,000 and get $350,000.00 You pay $4,500 and get $400,000.00 You pay $5,000 and get $450,000.00 You pay $5,650 and get $550,000.00 You pay $6,000 and get $650,000.00 You pay $7,200 and get $750,000.00 You pay $10,000 get $1,000,000.00 Final you pay $12,000 get $1,300,000.00“

So then I sent a text and he sent me application that I filled out and returned. Then I received acknowledgement with the fee schedule which I refused to pay as then I knew it was a scam but not until after I sent all my personal information.

Ernest –

Victim Location 80904

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was told that $9700 would be deposited into my bank account, but to do that they wanted $300 (refundable) paid to them via Western Union. They said the $300 is for the funds being transferred from state to state.

Christian –

Victim Location 43207

Type of a scam Government Grant

They call say that you won a grant from the United States government collect information and then tell you to go to Walmart to submit a payment in order to receive funds. They continue to call until I stated that I was going to contact they hung up

Casey –

Victim Location 62906

Type of a scam Government Grant

A friend of mine told me about this government grant she received. She gave me a phone number to text. It started out by him saying he needed me to be honest with him. I thought that to be weird since I would have no reason to lie. I then gave him my information, not including my ssn. He asked for a clear picture. I then began to think this is not right. He almost instantly approved me for a grant. Said I had to pay a delivery fee. That was about the time I backed out. Although thus person does have some of my information and a picture of me. I’m trying to text the necessary steps to protect myself from identity theft.

Alexander –

Victim Location 23223

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was contacted by text about getting a free government grant for paying bills and household assistance. They asked for address, age and also bank account number or credit card information. They wanted me to send $650 for a $30,000 grant. I told I don’t own a bank account or credit cards, I told them my pension money comes on a prepaid card. I didn’t give them any account number or information or social security number. I told them I get my money once per month. They told me when my money comes, text them. That’s why I’m emailing you.

Whitney –

Victim Location 33313

Type of a scam Government Grant

They called me to give me my government Grant Award of $9,000.00. only wanted to know how I wanted it delivered, after verifying my identity. I gave my R# and A# and was told to call 206-317-7482 or 609-473-0005 and give them my government grant # they gave me. I am waiting for your guidance before contacting them….

Cory –

Victim Location 43207

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received a call today on my landline. The caller stated they were from the Government. The caller said I was picked from the Government to receive a $7000 Government Grant. I laughed and said the Government never gave me anything. They gave me a number to call 646-968-8952. I called the number back. I knew it was scam. They said why did you call back if you know it is a scam. I thought I better call the and report it.

Sandra –

Victim Location 38134

Type of a scam Government Grant

I recd a phone call last night from a man with a foreign accent stating the Govt was going give me a $9000 grant. He said it was for good faith.

He gave me a confirmation number (NC1703605691391). I was informed to call them at 10:00 AM this morning and they would give me more information. I did not return the call — I called the FTC to give them the scammer’s phone no.

Barry –

Victim Location 29160

Type of a scam Government Grant

The scammer pose as one of my friends, and then states how he is enjoying this free grant money. He then tries to get me to text Frank Ola Moore at 734-506-1461. This is the second time this has happened to me, the first time I blocker the scammer.

Amelia –

Victim Location 21234

Type of a scam Government Grant

Roslyn Smith from the 202-656-6385 phone number contacted me to tell me that my name is the recipient of a $9,000 government grant.

She verified my phone number,asked my age, marital status, employment status then explained that I do not have to pay back the award amount.. She then gave me the award code (NG157) and a phone number of her supervisor for me to call. I then called the 315-563-1274 number and Sharon White answered. She asked me if I wanted her to explain what Roslyn Smith and said to me about the award. – I left out the part about the options of my getting the $9,000. One was deposit in my account, the 2nd I forget, the 3rd was picking the amount from Walmart. I chose the picking up from Walmart option. Roslyn the asked me when could I go to the Walmart – I said Monday (today is Thursday). I said that I have to go get my replacement driver’s license (as my ID). She replied that was acceptable – that I should call back when I am at the Walmart. She would walk me through getting registered in the Federal Reserve Bank and that number ID produced would then be given to the Walmart clerk that would be waiting on me – to release half of the funds in cash and the other half in check. I said that I understood and that I would call her back on the 315-563-1274 number on Monday

Nathaniel –

Victim Location 39648

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was told I would receive 9k if I went to Wal-Mart or western union to register $200 security deposit..

Alicia –

Victim Location 63139

Type of a scam Government Grant

Apply Here: Fedgovtgrants

Here’s the link:

Call the agent *** ***  Showed a picture, of $90,000.00 cash that was delivered. by Fedex team

This is legitimate by the federal government in helping people.

I have everything on my cell phone still

Ricardo –

Victim Location 98546

Type of a scam Government Grant

Scam : government grant of $11300.00 I was told by phone call that this grant was mine and to call 315-514-9716 to secure grant. I did not call as it is a scam I`m sure.

Jorge –

Victim Location 48911

Type of a scam Government Grant

They have called me almost 30 times in a 3 hour period. They tell me I have won a Government Grant. I have never let them get very far into what they are trying to tell me.

Lindsey –

Victim Location 91977

Type of a scam Government Grant

I got an inbox message on Facebook from somebody that I do not know saying if I had received my free Federal grant yet I said no then he gave me a number to text to talk to somebody about that information I said no then he gave me a number to text to talk to somebody about that information but I would not

Christian –

Victim Location 31206

Type of a scam Government Grant

They ask for a bank account that’s what they want they say your money will be wired in 24 hrs or less. They call and say its a grant that you applied for and they calling to see if you still want it they go down the details and I know when you do get grants its more than just and phone call and they won’t be calling you out the blue. I ask this man was this an scam he got a little aggressive I already know better I just like to let others know of the numbers that are out here. He then said oh to receive this grant you have to pay 300 dollars to transfer the money. Well i told him if I had some money I wouldn’t be talking to you taking it out of that He said we can’t do that I said me either have a bless day.

Bradley –

Victim Location 76040

Type of a scam Government Grant

A man that could barely speak English told me he was with the government, and he wanted to give me a grant.

He said the amount was for $3,400 and that I could get the money at a western union. He gave me a code MX428 and said that he was transferring me to an account verification manager. Then he gave me the wrong street address. I told him that it wasn’t correct, and then he said he needed that information to verify my identity like my age. I didn’t give it to him. I told him that I felt like this was a scam. He insisted he was just verifying information, then he hung up on me when I told him I didn’t believe him.

Ruben –

Victim Location 44320

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received a phone call which left a phone # to call about free money of $11,300. That phone number was 315 510-9796. On returning the call I talked to a person and he told me because I was a loyal citizen I qualified for this free money. I did not have to pay it back and no taxes would be taken. I was then instructed to call another phone #. This perso was to give me further instructions how to receive this money. That phone # was 747 666-5104 and the person I talked was named David Johns, this as the number to call back if we were disconnected . I asked to have the money sent by check which they could not do it had to use Western Union or give them my bank account # which I knew was something I was not going to do. I was instructed to use my cell phone and he was going to instructed to go to Wall Mart and buy two Itune cards, I asked how much the cards would cost which he would tell me. He did call my cell phone which I did to answer because I was checking with to see if there was anyone else who had received this type a call. After checking with the and seeing this was a scam I tried to call David Johns at the phone # he had given 747-666=5104 Oh guess what, no one was at that number you had to leave a message. As you can tell I did not go to Wall Mart to buy any ITunes cards. Because I am a loyal citizen who pays her bills I know the Government does not give free money. In all my life the Government has taken my money. This scam sounds good but don”t fall for it. The only thing I this life that is free is God’s salvation He has paid all fees.



Angel –

Victim Location 57020

Type of a scam Phishing

computerized voice stating that a legal petition was filed under my name and that before the matter goes to the federal court house or before you get arrested i needed to call back 202524422721

Troy –

Victim Location 91016

Type of a scam Government Grant

This is a scam. They just want your money. Fyi

Shanna –

Victim Location 77962

Total money lost $300

Type of a scam Government Grant

A lady named Jessica called from the 2027070707 number and told my that I had be selected to receive a government grant in the amount of $14,589.00. In order to receive the grant I had to call one of the other numbers listed above to speak with my grant transaction specialist. I had to provide the specialist with my case reference number of SS015 and they would then tell me how to proceed. Upon calling the 2532873535 number I was put into contact with a gentleman named Travis Smith with a Badge ID and all. He proceeded to tell me in order to receive this grant I had to go through a verification process.

To do this I had to go to the nearest Dollar General, purchase a google play card in the amount of $300. He had to stay on the phone with me the entire time I drove to town and went in to purchase the card. He also instructed me that the cashier may ask for my ID for the purchase but because I live in a small town the cashier Once I did that I had to tell him the time stamp from the receipt as well as the verification code under the silver scratch-off bar. I provided him with this information and he proceeded to complete the verification process. He then said that he would need my debit card information to process the funds transfer. I again provided him with this information. He then told me that the transaction had been processed and I should be seeing the funds in my online banking. When I told him that it was not he then proceeded to tell me that the state of Texas w[censored]d the fund until the taxes, in the amount of $9,999.00 had to be paid before the state would release the funds. I told him that I did not have that kind of money. He then claimed that his department would cover whatever amount I did not have. I said ok say I could do $200 he said that would work but that I would have to go back to the store and get another Google Play card. He told me that if I did not proceed with the $200 transaction that the IRS would debit my checking account $699.00 for the taxes and that I would be arrested first thing this morning for tax fraud. This is when I figured out I had been scammed. I proceeded to tell him I was going to call the Sheriffs Dept. with him on the line and he at first said ok. Then when I went to dialing the number he hollered at me that he was just going to cancel the transaction and that the $699.00 would come out of my account in 10 minutes and the cops would be at my job in the morning. He then hung up. I immediately called the local sheriffs dept and had an officer come out and take a report and I called and cancelled my debit card. No other transactions were processed on my account.

Katelyn –

Victim Location 32534

Type of a scam Government Grant

phone harassment

Carlos –

Victim Location 42633

Type of a scam Government Grant

A friend of mine started chatting at 12:30am. (Something he would never do) We had never chatted before this. He just ask about my day, then said he had great news about a government grants that had helped him out. Ask.if I knew Attorney Michael Snowan gave me a private cell # to call an.sign up? This is not something that friend would be talking to me about especially after midnight.

Haley –

Victim Location 48174

Type of a scam Government Grant

Received voicemail stating I received a government grant from a law from Obama’s administration put in place to 8 cities and states for people who pay their bills,taxes and have not filed for bankruptcy and have no criminal record. Will receive $9200 from grant. Want you to go to a western union, bank or money gram. When exposed them on phone they were verbally abusive. They also said they were calling from Washington DC and their phone number 202-683-8945 and 805-399-0430

Shanna –

Victim Location 78229

Type of a scam Government Grant

I’ve been approached by two people through Facebook Messenger that say that they have received money. One, paying $3000 and receiving $50000 and the other $250,000. He gave me this phone number (956)750-7503 of where to apply. I didn’t call so I don’t know if this is legit. So far, I don’t know if there are any victims because these two people say that they did receive the money. Just wanted you to please check this phone number.

Laura –

Victim Location 29303

Type of a scam Government Grant

I Can get free US Grant money for anything I need, bills, cars, etc. Asked if I had a job, how old I was, was I married. They asked me what would I do with the money. Can’t use the money for drugs. Gave me a confirmation # MP121. Money will be delivered by Western Union or direct deposit or money gram. Wanted me to call another phone number of 559-744-3707. After I get instruction I am to call him back at 703-276-0100. Hung up on him.

Jill –

Victim Location 29407

Type of a scam Phishing

"And the investigating team of our department is investigating you and your family. We had tried to notify you regarding this issue in previous six months but we had never gotten a response from you. So it has been considered as an intentional fraud and the lawsuit has been filed under your name by the United States Government. You may call our department number 347-293-1422. I repeat it’s 347-293-1422 for more information before we download your case into the court house. Thank you."

Colleen –

Victim Location 45827

Type of a scam Government Grant

I keep getting calls from men and women saying I’m eligible for a government grant from the US Health Department. When I tell them I will not give them my driver’s license number they say they will report me to the government as I was born in Mexico, and they’ll have me deported.

Kristi –

Victim Location 35978

Type of a scam Government Grant

The person said I was chosen by random to get a $30,000 Grant by the government that I didnt have to pay back. Three ways of my choice to cover costs to get this grant and one of them was to go and buy a prepaid card. They told me to call back the number as soon as we hung up.  206-880-7898 or 206-880-7887. 

Meghan –

Victim Location 29526

Type of a scam Government Grant

I was called and told that the government was giving me some money as a grant. I could use it however I would like. It was from the Minister of Health and Human services.

Tasha –

Victim Location 67216

Total money lost $3.45

Type of a scam Government Grant

The people will call you and tell you that you’ve been approved for a big amount of government grant they ask you you want to pick it up in cash or do you have a debit card to put it on

Ramon –

Victim Location 62203

Type of a scam Government Grant

I Received a phone call from a young lady with a foreign ascent stating that my phone number was selected to receive a free Government Grant. I proceeded to tell the young lady that I knew this was a scam, she told me it was not. I asked her was her organization registered with the BBB, and she got upset and said if I didn’t want the money they would take me off the list. After that she hung up on me.

Frank –

Victim Location 47421

Type of a scam Government Grant

I received a call from Steven Miller from the Government Grants from US Bank of California 2027549385 was the number for me to call back.They called and the id came up with only 2780708. He wanted me to pay $200.00 to get my $9,250 dollar federal grant.

Amelia –

Victim Location 87106

Type of a scam Government Grant

An individual contacted me by phone claiming that I have been selected to receive a free federal grant for $9,000. I was then instructed to call another number 315-636-5896 In order to complete the transaction. A man by the name of Ron answered a proceeds to tell me that i need to send $210 in the name of Darren Lonton Atlanta, GA. I asked him if he was truly from the federal government and he stated that he was in New York and that he could not give me any information so that I may verify that this was legit until I got to a Wal-Mart and called him back so he could tell me how to go about sending the $210.

Caitlin –

Victim Location 47803

Type of a scam Government Grant

Call and to me ive been chosen for a 9000.00 grant all i have to do is pay 242.00 for the state tax and i will recive the grant money

Janet –

Victim Location 93020

Type of a scam Scholarship

they called me saying that I will get a grant for $9000 I was selected out of 1900 people because I paid my bills on time and I didn’t have any outstanding bills. I was called from 202-436-9793 this person gave me a confirmation number TK230 AND TOLD ME TO CALL 206-462-5279 Derrick Wilson which sound like a fake name because the guy who answered sounded like a philipino. He TOLD ME I HAD TO PAY $250 to the bank I told him this sounds like a scam because if you are giving a $9000 grant why should I have to pay anything to receive it. He just told me if I thought it was a scam to hang up. So I did can someone let me know if this is a scam please and Thank You. please call me *** my name is ***. I called back the man that sounded like a phillipino I asked him the name of the company he got upset because I was asking him questions and that I shouldn’t be asking questions . I asked him why is he getting upset did I do something wrong to you. he finally told me shut up and to hang up the phone. I told him see you are a [censored]ing scammer you piece of [censored] and hung up.

Zachary –

Victim Location 44125

Type of a scam Government Grant

Received a call yesterday from government grant. Said I am eligible for government loyalty grant because I pay bills on time. It will help to pay bills or for a car. Said it was a $7000 grant. Wanted me to go to Western Union. Said to call the supervisor back at 509-207-3032. Caller ID 202-498-0576. Claim number GG11074.

Emmanuel –

Victim Location 60626

Type of a scam Government Grant


They call claiming that they are from Government Grants. They call me every day few times a day it started a week ago.

I didn’t let the conversation continue.

Timothy –

Victim Location 85777

Type of a scam Government Grant

said Stacy calling from Federal Grant Dept. Has a Loyalty Fund given by Support from Government. Never have to pay back . Gave me a Money Approval # and said I have to call 360-203-3269×122 Amy. They told me to go to a Western Union and it I have to pay activation & registration Fee of $200.00 Cash to get my $9,200.00 Free Grant Money

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