Google – Name Spoofed

Ashleigh –

Total money lost $63

Type of a scam Tech Support

After some research done on your site for a few nights I was really pumped – although I could not log on many many times as the could not handle my request to log in and this afternoon the site could not even be reached!!! I decided to do a little research which I usually do beforehand but was so convinced by George that I feel like a fool now for not looking up if this is a scam or not.

Not to put you down but I had many issues. 1) I cannot download the manual – the map yes has icons to download and I have downloaded it but not the manual 🙁 2) page 29 of the manual with Bluehost does not make me feel confident if you had issues. 3) page 54 of the manual – without disrespect you seem like a real snake in saying "I really don’t know why I’m even giving you this section"… Don’t you want us to succeed? Why even say you should offer (sell) as a bonus?? Arrghh!!! 4) I did not appreciate or even like the upsells right at the start and I found out that I could have got this program for a buck if I would have kept saying no to the 1st page – Arrghhh!! 5) I went on Barenakedscam and a few others and now know that your program is outdated and your support is not support as I could not even log on to the meeting on the 25th or the the site for that matter* *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** * * *** *** *** ** ** ** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** ** *** *** ***

I did use a prepaid visa for this endeavour as I did not want you in my personal cards so you might have to send me a cheque please.

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