Good samaritan

Keri –

Victim Location 80231

Total money lost $4,000

Type of a scam Other

We are leaving court after a lengthly process of trying to get a job finished after Moses Funaki received payment in full

He had no regard to agreed upon mediation terms, was in contempt after not compiling and at court perjured himself over 4 times that the judge caught. He drove to court without having a license and lied repeatedly to avoid garnishment. At court we discovered he has over $9,000.00 of judgments agianst him and at least 5 people trying to recoup from his sham buisness. He also stated he closed this buisness on 2000. To which the judge replied that he is continually defruading the public. When we left court, the truck he uses, and drives without proper documentation, was in the parking lot full of tools and materials that coincide with this buisness that he claims is no longer active.

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