Scammer’s website
Country United States
Type of a scam Identity Theft
Initial means of contact Social media (e.g., Facebook)
alla sorella della mia ragazza hanno creato un profilo instagram falso identico al suo, con 5 sue foto in costume. nel profilo instagram è presente questo link ” ” falso .potete aiutarci per favore?
Victim Location 54512
Type of a scam Online Purchase
GoDaddy bait and switch: I searched and found on the Godaddy site, available for $14.99 per year and for $.99 I added both to my cart when I went to check out the price of was raised to $1299.00 Per year and the was raised to $3249.49 per year. So I emptied my cart and left the site. I then logged back in and looked up the domains again. Now both domains are being advertised as premium domains with the inflated prices shown above. I have spent considerable amount of time reasearching domains and considering business plans for multiple domains. I was able to locate Domains with potentially high demand offered by Godaddy at normal prices only to have go daddy change the items to a premium classification with premium prices. Denying me the opportunity to make a profit on my efforts and allowing Godaddy to profit on my research. It looks like the system at Godaddy is predatory and when a customer finds a potentially high demand domain at normal prices Godaddy steps in and turns the domain into a premium domain with profits 100 times higher. I would imagine with a little research you will find this a common and criminal occurrence at GoDaddy.