GMAX Logistics Delivery Company

Frederick – Jul 30, 2020

Victim Location 90231

Type of a scam Phishing

A guy named Cameron Hughes sent a message through LinkedIn website and later on asked my Whatsapp number. He said he’s a US Army deployed in Syria. We became chatmates then later lovers. He’s sweet, romantic and good-looking guy so you may think he’s a perfect catch. Then July 27, 2020 he told me he will be redeployed in Afghanistan and he will not bring his personal belongings so he will send it to me. He gave me a tracking number for GMAX International Delivery Company, an unnamed courier. July 30, based on tracking, his package was put on hold due to unpaid local charges. An agent Carson called me and asking for Php 53,000 ($1060). I confronted Cameron about the amount. He said he will pay me once we meet in the Philippines. I said I don’t have that huge amount but he keeps on insisting. He even threatened me not to mess with a US Army. Then I checked a guy in Instagram with the same face with Cameron. Then I saw one photo that has a tattoo in his right arm and I saw the same tattoo on one of the photos Cameron sent me.I confronted him about this and he keeps on denying but when I sent him the photo of the real owner with the same tattoo, he blocked me.

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