Victim Location 55406
Total money lost $150
Type of a scam Other
Givling is marketed as crowd sourcing for student loans. It’s a game where you watch ads and generate revenue for the company, and exchange you get points. You can also play trivia and potentially win money, or be randomly chosen to win $10k by playing trivia regularly and maintaining a gold star status. Users are ranked by the number of points they have, are there are two queues. The highest ranking person in each queue alternates to get $50k funded by the rest of the users through ads, purchasing virtual items with real money to play more trivia, and through purchasing sponsored items. Givling claims to be a #fundforgood, so I purchased over $100 in coins. I also joined the ‘official givling Facebook group’ where players are supposed to be free to ask questions about the game, and players often did giveaways for morale/etc.
After a few months of regularly occurring virtual coin purchases, my account was then terminated by the company and I can no longer play to climb the queue–in effect costing me $50k but scamming me out of over $100 of my own money. I was supposed to be able to used these coins to play trivia, but since my account was terminated I did not get what I paid for, along with losing my spot in the queue.