Kathleen –

Victim Location 10455

Total money lost $679.99

Type of a scam Tech Support

Telephone calls stated that there was a computer security breach.

Holly –

Victim Location 77726

Type of a scam Tech Support

Your computer suddenly locks up with a page that says Microsoft security alert message re: Zeus Trojan virus alert. Gives a "Microsoft" number to call (fake), they answer Microsoft network security, ask if they can help you and explain the problem, and tell you all the damage the Zeus Trojan virus will do and that Microsoft locked your computer for safety. Then they tell you that these criminals have your IP address from satellite (which could only be changed by moving) and that changing computers, cell phones, router or taking to repair shop will not fix the problem. He proceeds to tell you it’s expensive to fix, but will "help" you locate a place with network engineer to take it to and shows a list of things that need to be done on your screen. He said it’s 167 miles from my location, far away, and says you have to take all electronic devices, computer, cell phones, router, etc. He then says he can connect you to their Microsoft engineer who may can help you online and gives you the number to call in case you get disconnected in the transfer. You are then speaking to the new guy, who can possibly fix the problem. From the time you call the "fake" Microsoft number, they have control over your computer. They show you files and supposed damage or possible threats, etc., draw red arrows, etc. (everything to make it believable). They warn that your personal information, including passwords, financial, has been compromised and could be used for illegal activities that would be traced back to you, that this is the same hacking that was done to government agencies, Bank of America, etc. These conversations last about 20 minutes each. Then he says if he can fix it, it will take about 40 minutes to an hour. He will go through and try, if he can fix it, there will be a charge, but if not, no charge. Says they will not take financial info or card info, just send a check. He proceeds to go through files on your computer (he has control already, no info given). After a while, he says he was successful in completing the tasks outlined. Then he puts an address, phone, email, etc. info on the screen and says the charge is 499.99. He printed it off on my printer for my info and then also sent a bill to my email address. While he was pretending to "fix" my computer, I called BBB on another phone, who told me Geekbase has an "F" rating and have had 28 complaints and not to pay them anything or give any information to them. I then asked BBB to give me Microsoft’s telephone number, the real one! Geekbase asked me when I would be sending the check, I said tomorrow. NOT!!!! I also called Microsoft on another phone while this GeekBase guy kept calling me on my home phone and sending me questions asking where I was. I answered the phone (which showed "Unknown 2544" on the caller ID). Microsoft was then listening to the guy (I had him on speaker) and documenting all he said and I’m also filing a report with them so they can "go after them". Microsoft went through all my files (which took over 13 hours!!!) with me watching, and cleaning up threatening material, etc. I also bought their ASSURE plan to help me with anything that may come up or that I may have any questions about in the future, etc. They were extremely patient and helpful, I was amazed! I had the same person stay on the phone with me the entire day and through midnight, until he had searched everything and was confident that everything was ok. I have a friend who told me his computer locked up with the same message. He was just annoyed and turned his computer off. The next day he turned it back on and the computer was normal as far as he knew. I am a very cautious person, don’t answer pop-ups or emails I’m not familiar with, or telephone calls I don’t know. I only called the number for "Microsoft" after the lockup because it looked just like Microsoft’s material and was extremely believable. When I talked with the real Microsoft people, and they were going through my files, etc. I told them that was exactly what the Geekbase guy did. Everything was familiar, even drawing the red arrows and circling material, and words he said. It was very scary. I told Microsoft maybe it was an ex-employee who knew their procedure. I wouldn’t have called another Microsoft number if I hadn’t got it from BBB!! The whole episode made me extremely "ill" and I still feel as though I was violated.

Brooke –

Victim Location 39083

Type of a scam Tech Support

On my computer received notice of viruses on my computer. WARNED my not to use my computer. Gave phone number to call. I called tried to ask WHO ARE YOU? Gave only GEEKBASE. Supposed scan of my computer, I now do not think it was my computer scan was showing, They told me I would have to send check and they would have FedEx bring me an envelope and I was supposed to send my check in an envelope and attach FedEx labe to delivered envelope. Addressed to NICKEN, GEEKBASE LLC, 3524 Silverside Road Suite 35B, Wilmington, Deleware 19810.Instead of sending check, I wrote a letter that I would check them out and get info from That I was not used to do business in this manner.

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