GE Home Security (Power Savers)

Kari –

Victim Location 44266

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

I am a manager of a mobile home park in Portage County. Our park is mostly home to senior citizens. Last night, we had an issue with solicitations from a business known as GE Home Security or Power Savers. I first noticed them when one person was sitting in front of the yard of one of my resident’s homes. We strictly have a no solicitations policy, so I asked the gentleman what he was doing. He was respectful and said he was here for work and was just waiting for his son. I explained we do not allow solicitors and politely asked him to leave. I asked him where his vehicle was, he told me he walked to our park. I knew there were more solicitors since they normally come in a huge group in one vehicle. One of my neighbors approached me about the solicitors. The neighbor has dementia and had been scammed out of $54. Her daughter that lives with her, was not home at the time and her son was quite upset. I called the sheriff. In the mean time I confronted the workers, they didn’t speak English very well. One of them had a badge. I told them that they cannot solicit on our property. The worker said he was with construction. I pointed at his badge and asked what his badge said. He said he wasn’t wearing a badge. The badge said GE Home Security (Power Savers) on it. I told them to leave. They got in their car and drove off. I followed to get the license plate number. I called the sheriff and told them they were gone. About a half hour later, I get a knock on my door. They were back! I called the sheriff. They promptly came out and told the workers they needed to leave. If the business comes back they will be arrested for trespassing, no questions asked.

I called the BBB. Their flyers say they have an A+ Rating and are BBB Accredited. BBB did not have this business in their system, but they did have a listing for a General Electric Home Security in Tampa, FL. It was listed as a "Phony Business."

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