Fur Lovers Munchkin Cattery

Kristin – Aug 18, 2020

I reached out to them about a kitten. After receiving the reply I looked at some reviews and found out they have been scamming people. I decided not to reply until I got recommended a cat instagram profile and low and behold it was the cat they were claiming they have for sale. I’ve attached the emails they sent me before and after I called them out for stealing photos. They tried to gaslight me into believing they are legit. This site needs to get taken down ASAP!

Nancy – Apr 05, 2020

Victim Location 55025

Type of a scam Online Purchase

They offer munchkin kittens to be delivered by air/pet parcel. If you offer to pick up the cat they balk at the option and lower the price to send the cat by air. I researched and this is the same address as other sites have shown as a confirmed scam.

Matthew – Mar 17, 2020

Victim Location 98109

Type of a scam Online Purchase

These are professional scammers, not pet breeders. I contacted them in hopes of adopting a munchkin kitten, and asked them a couple of questions, including pictures of the parent cats (Kings or Queens). They evaded my questions twice, focusing on the transaction details and giving suspiciously short replies. The behaviour felt a bit off to me, and different from how other professional breeders offer their kittens – waitlists, information, parent info, adoption contracts, delivery info, and generally a sincere desire to make sure their kittens are going to a good home. I did not get any of that information from Robert-Kim Cattery (or as they renamed themselves yesterday, ‘Fur Lovers’ and prior to that, ‘Royal Munckins,’ all extremely suspicious changes… I decided to inspect their website again today. Then I noticed several paragraphs of text had been copied from other professional breeder websites – some with the website links still embedded in them e.g. adopting sphynx cats, a completely different breed but also a ‘designer’ cat costing thousands of dollars. I also found several fraud reports of this website (https://munchkin.company.com/) under different munchkin cat breeder names. Their experiences all sounded similar, an imposter acting as a breeder and then once payment had been complete, they did not receive any kittens. Please be careful and purchase from reputable munchkin breeders instead!

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