Flag Oils Canada

Fernando –

Type of a scam Employment

Receive request from Nathan Felix(LinkedIn Profile) Flag Oils HR Manager for connection. After approval for connection received a message to drop CV to the Flag Oils website career section. The next day receive call from Nathan +16474920667 saying that CV has been reviewed and to reply the online interview(typical HR interview questions) to [email protected] The next day i receive and contract agreement with Flag Oils letter head mentioned salary package of 9970CAD with accommodation and family status. Few days later received message from Nathan Felix saying another interview will be conducted by Technical team. On the same day receive call from +15879790717 Amanda Vice President H and Chief Information Officer (https://flagoils.com/our-team/) introduce herself as secretary of Nathan Felix and start asking few non technical questions and immediately mentioned that i had passed the interview and company will hire me, so wait for an official email from HR [email protected] for appointment letter and instruction to apply visa and work permit. Both in contract and appointment letter position offered was not disclosed. In that email the company provided email and phone number of a person working as Appointed Immigration Attorney Mr. Frank Lee (+91- 837-500-7296 / [email protected]). Requested to contact the Immigration Attorney Mr.Frank (Canadian Embassy in New Dehli) immediately to expedite the visa and work permit process. After phone conversation with Mr. Frank he sent an email requesting for passport, national ID, education certificate and family travelling documents. After completely submit all the document after two days received an email from Mr.Frank saying that visa file Application has been approved by General consular (Michael H Corbin) this morning to initiate file processing (certifacate of approval with signature of Consular Officer attached both for me and my wife name, required to make payment of USD 600 to ensure the visa approved immediately. He requested to send money to TIBOU YAO (Secretary in Canadian embassy in New Dehli) thru money gram. When i asked him why i need to apply thru Canadian Embassy in India and need to send money thru money gram he told me that is the easiest way to get visa application approved quickly. Mean while Mr. Nathan insisting me to follow whatever instruction given by Mr. Frank to make sure the visa application to be done quickly. The next day Mr. Frank sent another email saying that his secretary is day off money to be send to Napoleon Gideon Shoo. After that email i refused to answer call from Mr. Frank and he didn’t call me back too. Mr. Felix was trying to convince me by messaging to me and Ms. Amanda called me asking why the money transfer not been made. I told her that i am not convinced to pay thru money gram and i will only pay to official canadian embassy website. She told that in that case the contract will be terminated and i will be not coming to Canada. At the beginning i was so convinced this was for real because of the website (flagoils.com). it looks so real and very professional. All the web sections are with full information and high level management biodata including Mr. Nathan Felix (Chief Human Resources Officer) and Amanda Horlonzo. I believe this is only a virtual company operating to do job scams. Further checking the bio data of both Nathan and Amand in the company website and LinkedIn profile is not tally. I really appreciate if the authorities can check this company profile and stop this activity before it ruin someones life. I have notify few of the people that contacted by these scammers thru LinkedIn to avoid such scams and this group are still active baiting oil and gas employees around the world mostly asian countries. Just to inform all the phone calls i received from Flag Oils in Alberta code are during Malaysian (Asian time) not during the canadian working hours.

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