Fifth Third Bank 5/3rd Bank Impostor

Mathew –

Victim Location 45693

Type of a scam Employment

I had used the official Ohio Means Jobs website to find a posting for my friend. The posting said Fifth Third Bank- DATA ENTRY CLERK which is a reputable bank where we are located. It originally seemed to be a post for more of a teller job and once my friend emailed his resume to [email protected] with the contact name Rebecca Whitney, he received an email back from [email protected] with an offer for an online initial interview. This guy was textbook hiring manager and used Google Hangout for the interview. He definitely knew what he was doing and it was a standard interview you would expect from a bank. He did not ask for any personal information and said that would happen later on with HR if he was offered the job. After the interview my friend shared that the job offered was a work from home position. This immediately made us suspicious and we looked deeper into it. There were no other postings for this job and the pay scale was off compared to the legit pay Fifth Third has listed through Linked In, Glassdoor, and other various hiring sites. I then applied to the job to see what they would send me and how fast they would respond so we could have proof of this scam. They messaged me back within less than 12 hours with the exact same information for contacts, job description, and the same Google Hangout code they gave my friend the day before. I reported the email as a phishing scam to my gmail. Then contacted the Ohio Means Jobs director to let them know if the scam postings on their job search site. This situation is being reported to the corporate office of Fifth Third Bank as well. My friend received a message from the scammer again and he started to question more about the job. Once my friend asked for a number for HR, the scammer has not responded. Thankfully we discovered this was a scam before any Social Security number or banking information was given. We hope that this will help prevent anyone from falling for this scam in the future.

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