Victim Location 06351
Type of a scam Employment
As stated in the letter:
"Position: Trainee Independent Private Evaluator
Selected to become a LEAD member of a three-person team of our secret store evaluators assigned to evaluate a particular prepaid card store location in area. This is one of a THREE-MONTH probationary assignment that your team is required to complete within 24 hours upon activating your check. This is a paid training assignment that takes about 2 hours to complete. You will be paid $700 for the training. Your assignment is to be carried out and completed at the prepaid card store location and to be determine by your training agent. The objective of the assignment is to evaluate the effectiveness of Vanilla Reload Network card systems and to evaluate the level of customer service provided by Vanilla Reload cart store cashiers.
Job description would be to secretly go into the particular prepaid card stores and purchase the Vanilla Reload Network cards and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the customer service level of the particular store. You have been provided the sum of $3,785.50 (yes-check was included) to carry out your assignment. An agent will advice you on how to complete the survey and fill out the evaluation form.
Would be required to pose as a potential customer at the Reload Card location by purchasing six Vanilla Reload Network cards for Five Hundred Dollars each from different locations. Then secretly evaluate the handling process of the transaction from the customer service of the particular location visited.