Scammer’s phone 239255 6622
Scammer’s website
Scammer’s address N/a
Scammer’s email [email protected]
Country United States
Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan
Initial means of contact Not applicable
I found in my emails ‘a legitimate’ way to make some extra .
Money being a secret shopper. They said it was easy fun and wont interfere with my full time job. So I filled out a brief form and this letter and fake check showed up in my mail box about 3 weeks after.
When I first saw the package I saw it was from Big Lots. So I opened it. And this is how I came to googling it…none of tinfo .matched.
Iwill report this to the post master
I just got this in the mail. I ran it on Google to check it out.. so glad I did. Scammers ruin it for anyone trying to make a hard honest living.. if only they’d use their knowledge for good n not evil.
239-255-6622 is a scam phone number and Eroos Recruiting is a scam operation! They have you deposit the check in your bank account, they let you keep.a small.ampunt acting like its pay for something like surveying the Post Office or something, then you send them like $2000 and later your bank finds out everything is fraudulent then you have to pay the mo ey back and your bank.account gets closed. You go into the check system for like 7 years and you can not open a bank account with that bank again and have trouble opening an account with other banks for 7 years. Never trust something like this, always check it out first. Things that seem to be to good to be true, usually are not what you think they are! Report them to the go ornament fraud agency.
I was contacted by someone saying they worked for you, Claire Johnson ? She sent a check and says it’s from New York.
I deposited the check, but have not been to the post office. My gut started to tell me that something was funny…and i decided to check before going to the post office. I’m do glad i did. I am calling my bank now.
Scammer’s phone 239-255-6622
Scammer’s email [email protected]
Country United States
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Initial means of contact Not applicable
Sent me a check today for $2,495 the address on the envelope is from Reading Pennsylvania the address on the check is from Murray Kentucky and the company is Crest automotive LLC this company cross recruit is out of the UK so do not fall for this scam the check is not real it is fake they try to get you to go to post office things they only want your banking information do not fall for this scam nobody send you a check in the mail for over $2,000 and it’s funny the check says Murray Kentucky but it’s from regions Bank in Tennessee I mean come on really
Verified that UPS-delivered letter from Eroos Recruiting is a scam. No such address as “5310” exists for Sullivan Construction & the zip code is incorrect. Spoke with CEO of Sullivan Construction to confirm. DO NOT CASH CHECK. Doing so may result in you being charged bank fees. Submitting my evidence to Florida, Arkansas, and Arizona AG’s offices.
Victim Location 78626
Type of a scam Employment
They were vague about who they were when I first text me. The main contact lady, her name is Dorothy. They eventually sent me an email after asking me my contact information to mail me information. The last thing I sent her via text was that I won’t be able to do this until next week and I need to wait for the check to clear anyway, the one they sent me. I actually have gotten pretty suspicious and started searching on this website. I saw another company basically doing the same thing if they are, but by different name. Therefore I am letting you know I had of time. I am sure that if I had gone through with this, but I would’ve lost money.