Victim Location 97218
Type of a scam Other
The website looks like a original website from the company. It claims to give you some free ingame-curreny if you share your link with enough friends and gain "points".
As soon as you get these points you may redeem them on the website.
After filling in some basic data like first name, last name and you email adress, the website wants you to participate in a quick survey.
The "survey" is just another website in which you need to verify you phone number by getting a subscription on the website (in my case 5€ per 7 days)
If you really subscribe to the service offered on the website you will need to do the same on another website. Even if you do this on all three websites listed on the scammers website, you won’t reveice anything from them. But you need to pay 5€ per week for the services you just subscribed.