Ivan –

Victim Location 53005

Total money lost $500

Type of a scam Tech Support

Scam Alert !!!!!

Company name: Adeeba E-Services Pvt, Ltd.

Company Address: J1/16, Salt Lake, EP Block, Sector V, Dhapa, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091 (6th Floor, Room no. 603).

Processes: USA, Australia, UK and Canada(Scam 24×7 PC Techies) and Website Designing.

Gateways Used Currently: EPC Heal LLC, Mahvishgroup LLC, PC Service Hub, The PC Booster, The PC Speedster, Smart Solutions, WEB-VAD and Alpha Info System, Cloud 7(Recent additional gateway, operated from Bangkok, Thailand)Work: Inbound calls are bought as pay per call from individuals from USA and recently from Delhi(India). They generate fake pop-ups on customer’s screen, informing them about Virus attacks which are going on at that moment(Fake Info). The Sales Executives are given targets to make the maximum amount sales(and earn maximum incentives).The Customers call on a toll-free number presented on the pop-up screen while they were browsing the internet. Once, they call, the sales agents start by letting the customers know that they have called the Microsoft Security Team and take remote control of their computer/computers. Sales Teams take remote control through Gotoassist(Gotoassist domain is mentioned below). After taking the remote access they run few commands on the customer’s computer(CMD), use EPC Heal Anti-Virus(Fake Anti-Virus) and many more to scare the customers till they pay a very heavy amount. Once the payment form is filled by the customer the Managers get access to all the customer’s info. Name, Credit Card number, expiration date and CVV(Residential address, phone numbers and office address), the customers are forced to sign a document with the payment info and company name using https://www.docusign.com/.The managers charge the amount and then the remote access is transferred to the Tech Team. The tech Team uses Logme in Consoles to get the remote transferred from the Sales Team. Logmein domain used :- @thepcbooster.com. Once, the remote is transferred the customers are asked to hangup the calls and wait for 45 mins till a Technician Calls them back. The Techs use pirated (Torrent downloaded) CCleaner Professional, Malwarebytes anti-exploit, adguard, adblock plus, install EPC Heal Anti-Virus(Fake Anti-Virus). After all this is done the Technician calls the customer back using softfones:- Vonage(Domain adeeba_402, adeeba_403, and so on), Eyebeam or Skype. Once the customer is reached the tech shows the customer the fake softwares they installed over the remote access gain their trust even more take a feedback email and close the case on CRM. In 24 hrs the payment gets settled on the Gateway and in 6 months time the customers are again called(Outbound) to upgrade the services or are told that the Company is closing down and again scam them to send money over paypal or Western Union. And this cycle goes on.Adeeba E-Services Pvt. Ltd. are running their scam for the last 2 years exploiting the poor, needy unemployed youngsters from Kolkata and Delhi. Randomly hiring them to do the scam and then firing the employess just before salary so that they do not have to pay up. The owner(Mastermind) flees to Thailand very often so that no law and enforcement can track him down.The owner operates from Kolkata Sector 5 office(Office address mentioned above). These people mainly use Skype to stay in touch with each other using laptops or their smartphones.Charges for the scam service given to the customers start from a minimum of $149.99 to a maximum of $699.99.Company US address: EPCHEAL LLC, 6482 Orange Ave, Unit D, Cypress CA 90630.

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