Victim Location 21901
Total money lost $81,000
Type of a scam Employment
Accounting of Enzian Experience- Filed with Federal Trade Commission and Local Sheriff’s Department
On 6/4/18 I was in contact with Mr. Ross of Enzian about employment as they had sent me a signed offer letter on company letterhead and I was unemployed. They had signification written documentation about onboarding, benefits, Tax ID, process for probation, and work process including how to buy and ship product on my credit card until I was given the company card. I spoke to Mr Ross several times with questions and I researched them through the internet as it is a Swiss company. I checked business registers etc and other than their new website they seemed legitimate. I have hired people without meeting them before so this was not a red flag. They asked for a copy of my redacted (acct #’s and SSN) credit report which I provided. No account numbers for anything were given by me or SSN at any time.
My wife and I had concerns about using our cards so we checked with Citi bank about the risk of being reimbursed via payment account and Citi was ok with it, stating that the payments could not be reversed after posting 3-5 days and there was no other way for a company to debit my account through this manner. All is documented thoroughly in the Enzian documents sent to me. Also we signed up for Life Lock Premium to attempt to protect ourselves (another sad story about Lifelock).
Using the Enzian BB&T bank account via the Citi Web and Mobile application I payed off my card and started making purchases for Enzian (the probationary process) using my Citi card and then making authorized payments on the Web for each purchase. I shipped each order to a California address (they wanted me to send to Hong Kong but I would not agree to misrepresent the cost for customs). It seemed to be going smoothly so we added another of my cards to speed up the process and used my commission amount to pay off the other card. I was then told I was to come to NYC to be trained and get my company card and probation was over. However this kept being delayed, I never received the package in Mail with my paycheck, commissions, onboarding forms to fill out – even though I was told they were sent.
Following this on 7/18/18 I was shocked to see 4 payment reversals show up on my CITI card from the BB&T bank account and one was OVER 30 days old. I was told by CITI that this could not happen, each payment had marked clear and posted the balance and available credit back as expected. Enzian assured me this was a mistake and they held the bank responsible and I was to get a written accounting and $200 per incident fom the bank in the mail. They gave me a Wells Fargo account to repay all of the open payments and repay these reversals. I did not make any more purchases after that but waited for the company card and my paychecks , which never came.
On July 25 all payments began to be reversed in both Chase and CITI cards. Both Credit companies would not hold the bank or themselves liable even though the payment showed cleared, balances restored and available credit restored prior to these payment reversal. I was unable to reach any one at Enzian by Phone or Email and have not had a response to this date. I have opened fraud investigations at Citi and also at Chase and am waiting for this result.
Clifton Ross 347-410-9498
Enzian Logistics & Trading AG
EIN Assigned: 83-0580429
Regional Office: 114 W 17th St New York, NY 10011
Headquarter Office: Bachmatt 4 Gipf-Oberfrick Switzerland 5073
Legal form: Company limited by shares
Year of foundation: 2003
Commercial register number: CH-
UID: CHE-110.294.074
Here are the links where you can check the company:
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Iphones and Ipads sent to same Domestic address 7 shipments
TO : Full Name: ASHTON EMERSON or Gary Bedard
Address Line 1: 205 S TORN RANCH RD
State: CA
ZIP: 92530-1901
1 shipment actually signed for by Gary Bedard.