Empower Money Grant Support System

Rodney –

Victim Location 45220

Type of a scam Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes

This person Dorothy Jackson she had tried contacting me through Facebook Messenger back in November 2016, I just got a new phone on Monday, 12-5, so I couldn’t get any of messages from Messenger because I didn’t have enough storage on my old phone. So, yesterday, 12-6-16 I checked my messages under Messenger and found that Dorothy Jackson had made 2 attempts in November to contact me, and sent another request to contact me yesterday, so I responded. Yesterday the contact started out very casual how are you doing, how is your day going, then it progressed to, have you heard the good news? I messaged her back, and asked what good news, what are you talking about? And she said, she saw my name on some list that I had some prize money or something and I needed to call to text this number 344-564-2776, send a text to them and give them my name and say that I was ready to receive my prize. So, I sent the text and the response back was my name was on the list, had been on the prize list for 2 months (which made me suspicious anyway because my name had been on there for two months, why hadn’t they contacted me). Then, they wanted demographic type information and I text back who is this and what is this about? They text back this is Agent Rose and she said that she needed the demographic information so that they can pass the information to their administrators to confirm that I was who I was saying I was. So, I sent the information, the only thing that is not on Facebook is my address that I did give them. They asked me for my full name, my address, phone number, my marital status, my employment, my age (my birthdate was already on my Facebook page). I gave them the information. The next contact I got said now that they got all the information they needed I needed to send them the processing fees, so that I can receive my prize. They had the processing fees split up in two figures $300 for handling and $200 for processing or something like that and it also said that UPS (they had it spelled Ups) would be contacting me to make the delivery within 24 hours after they received my fees ($500). I contacted them back and said why do I have to pay a processing fee, why can’t it come out of the money, if this can’t be done, I am not sending anything out of pocket. Then they said in return they cannot take monies out of my prize money because it is sealed and only I can open it up, and they have to have this money to be able to send my prize through UPS. Then I think I texted them back and said well if you can’t take it out the prize money, I don’t want it forget it or something like that, and this does not feel right, and I am not sending anything, take me off your list and do not contact me again. And they sent another text, this is your money, we just need your processing fee, and you can have a wonderful Christmas and they kept throwing the holidays in there, have a good holiday with this money. I think I text them again because you can’t even tell me what agency this is, how you got my name on your list, why I was not contacted within those 2 months, how did I get on your list, why you hadn’t contacted me within 2 months, it doesn’t feel right, do not contact me again, and I kept saying that and they didn’t until this morning (12/7/16) 10:42a.m. They sent Good morning the name of our agency is Empower Money Grant Support System from 334-564-2776. Now in conjunction with me texting them back and forth, Dorothy Jackson was also messaging me. She kept egging me on telling me have you contacted them yet, what did they say, you need to hurry so you don’t miss out on your money. And I text her back and said I am going to, and I asked her did you get money, and she said yes she was able to pay off some small bills, and it helped her to have a wonderful Christmas. And I text her back and asked because they weren’t giving me very much information. She said how long would it take me to get my money, and they said when I send them the fees they will have it sent by UPS the next day, and I asked her if this is legit because they confirmed the name of their agency and the person I was talking to was Agent Rose, and she kept saying it’s real, I got my money and I know you’ll get your’s. Somehow one way or another, she stopped contacting me, I forget what I said to her, maybe that was during the time when I was messaging Agent Rose when I said that it didn’t feel right, the whole time she was egging me on. Then it suddenly stopped when I told them I didn’t want any part it in and I wasn’t sending any money. Then because I had the phone number, I called this number and it just rang and then it went to I’m sorry the number you have called is not receiving messages (or something like that on the recording) and I couldn’t leave a message. In fact, I tried calling a couple times at different intervals and because it was so suspicious about the language both using Dorothy Jackson and Agent Rose, I tried to look up Dorothy Jackson’s Facebook page, about 100 friends listed, there is no demographic information about her, nothing but a picture and a list of those she had friend ed, no photos except for picture on the contact page. It made me feel like she was not real either. So I tried even to call to reach Dorothy Jackson, her’s I could leave messages, I kept calling about 5 times, saying you need to contact me this is not right and I quoted Scripture to her, since she said this was a blessing from God. And I said God will get her for this. No contact from either one, not from Messenger and not from Dorothy Jackson, so I went into there is place where you can delete people from contacting you, I was so angry so I blocked any further contact from her, and in doing that it deleted the text that she had sent me. I have what I said to her, but I don’t have what she said to me. Then I put the notice on my Facebook page to warn others about the scam, and I specifically mentioned her name, because when I looked at it this morning there someone had contacted me it was Dorothy Jackson is the one that’s part of the scam. They used words like cos (for because) kept referring to me as Madam and the messages were all run-on sentences, not very good English, incorrect spelling. They did tell me the prize was $150,000 USD.

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