Deborah –

Victim Location 38852

Total money lost $89

Type of a scam Other

An ad for this product, EliteTest360,(supplement), appeared on my Facebook pngage, stating that Peyton Manning (of the Denver Broncos,)’ s football contract had been cancelled because of his use of this product, emplying that it was a very potent stimulant type medication, and offered to supply a free trial amount, for only the cost of the shipping like $4.95. The catch was a 14 day cancellation requirement obscured within the fine print of the terms, to avoid any charges. In haste, and because of the lack of attention given this requirement, an $89.00 charge appeared on my next credit card statement. I immediately notified my credit card, and they talked with the company, and I was sent a notice that no other charges would be made. However, the card company, Capital One, added it back to my card and told me to work it it with EliteTest. I intend to cancel the credit card service.

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