Economy Rent а Car

Tammy – Sep 10, 2020

Total money lost $330

Type of a scam Rental

Once you book they will charge you the reservation price immediately for unlimited mileage, they will also charge a hefty ~$500 “Deposit”.

After you have returned the car they will charge you the reservation price a second time, and on top add a mileage fee which they will claim was in the contract and refuse to issue a refund, stating it is the contract, despite that being false.

They will refuse to do anything until you contact a different branch and ask for a man (Ahmad) who only has a first name. Once you do, they will hang up on you. Call their national customer service and they will tell you to write an email they will not answer.

A $150 rental will end up costing right around $500.

Phillip –

Victim Location 90063

Total money lost $500

Type of a scam Rental

Car rental will states certain rental are available, check peoples insurance to see if it pays for damages then rent people pre-damaged cars. Criteria for damages are golf ball size damages upon return. However when cars are returned, agent goes directly to speck size damages less the 1cm and charges for damages at the time and request that renters ask insurance to pay for it stating claims will be paid in full and its covered as they have the same insurance

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