eCarsMTM Traders

Ronnie – Jul 07, 2020

Victim Location 30024

Type of a scam Online Purchase

There was a car listed online I inquired about. It was weeks until I got a response which then sent me to the attached website. The website wanted my shipping address and then stated they would send an invoice and ship the car but not release the funds to the seller until I approved the transaction within 10 days. I attached a screenshot of the email I received as the "invoice" (from [email protected]) telling me to send funds to some apartment in the Bronx. I contacted websites chat to inquire and the person on the chat said they have all kinds of random escrow holders and not even they could tell who it was I was supposed to be sending money to. This seemed wrong so I researched the business name and all of the names associated with emails sent to me. The only thing I found was other people asking if this was a scam in forums and the responses all seemed old and planted. I searched Whois data and the website apparently is only a few weeks old even though it looks extremely dated. There is no way this is a real company and it is set up to provide a false sense of security for an online purchase when in reality this company is the issue.

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