Victim Location 01108
Total money lost $5,000
Type of a scam Counterfeit Product
So this guy Tom offers a turn key store for $2000 and claims to do all the work. Only catch is that you have to send him the money for the products and he puts "credits" in your online account on his website that he then draws from when you sell a product. Think about this, you are sending money to someone that is not a registered business, an individual, who you are then trusting is going to ship out your products in the condition that they were represented on Amazon as. All usually goes well for about a couple weeks, then the shipments stop and the returns come flooding in and the negative feedback and the threats from Amazon and the debits from your account for the A-Z Claims against you…then you realize, you totally trusted a stranger with thousands of dollars and absolutely no leverage to hold him accountable. He does this for a while, then simply changes domain names and start advertising on Craigslist all over again and there is nothing Amazon or anyone can do, because really, who is he? He is off the grid. Except that he keeps the same phone number and does live in Philadelphia, PA.