Victim Location 90249
Total money lost $11,000
Type of a scam Romance
I was on a website called POF. I thought I met a nice man who claimed to be a DR his name Dr Brian Anderson. He claim to have money and he said he would pay off my students loans, car note and credit cards. after getting to know him better I gave him information to do just like he said he was going to do pay off my bills long story short none of the payments went through and he tells me a sob story about his business partner stole his money. in the mean time he keeps trying to get me to get a cash advance that I could not get thank God. But he did talk me into financing a Rolex watch now im stuck with payments for this watch he promised to pay back he tried to ruin my life my credit and whatever else he could get his hands on. I did change all my bank account info. So he got me for 7,000 out of my bank account and 4,000 off my credit card. I filed a police report and I let the jewlry bank know and the jewlry bank will not even help me by lowering the payments. I also tried to let the website POF know what happen got no response from them at all.