This con artist will personally threaten you physically and can never prove his debts. Its a shame that he has not been locked up yet. He also threatens your families and goes in your backyards to inventory anything you own.
Victim Location 75077
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Don Jackson and Associates (aka DJA & Assc.) claims to be a collection agency in Carrollton, Texas. However, there is no surety bond filed by this company as required by the State of Texas. There is no legal registration, or attorney registered with the State Bar as well. The collector is not using his real name which is against the Texas & Federal DTPA. The website is fake and has been set up by a person is on the sex offender list in Carrollton, Texas as well as has a major criminal background all of which is public record. This is not a real company. There was another company a few years back that did the same thing and is now Don Jackson & Assoc. is using the same phone number that number once belonged to Newman Thomas and Associates which was also complained about on this website. The other phone number belongs to a home health care worker out of Rowlett, Texas. This company is believed to be set up by shoddy roofers from the 2017 hail storm. The collector "Don Jackson" makes threats and gives fraudulent information. Newman Thomas was set up for the same pretense. The Texas Attorney General has been contacted regarding the illegal actions of this company, if you are contacted by them, please contact the Texas Attorney General and put a complaint on this site as well to aide innocent people from being harmed.