DL Smith/Team Smith Rare Bulldogs

Rachael –

Victim Location 89403

Total money lost $4,000

Type of a scam Online Purchase




 USA national, Veteran.


LIANNE PRESCO LING, aka DL Smith, aka Lianne Smith, aka Mrs. Smith (hereinafter

“Lianne”) Philippines Citizen with known residences at 201 Sapphire Rosewood

Residences, Acacia Estates, Taguig City, and 15LC The Venice Luxury Residences,

Venezia Drive, Mckinley Hill, Taguig City and Chateaux De Paris, Barangay Inchican,

Silang, Cavite and

DWIGHT FRANKLIN SMITH, Jr., (hereinafter “Dwight”) USA Citizen with Philippine

address at Chateaux De Paris, Barangay Inchican, Silang, Cavite

and USA address at 806 Brandon Drive, Winder, Georgia.


In January of 2017, Ron contacted Lianne regarding purchasing 2 English Bulldog

puppies. Ron had the idea of breeding these puppies and selling the pups. Lianne

was advertised as a breeder of English Bulldogs.

The details of the first text conversation are attached as ANNEX “A”.

During the course of this conversation, Ron was convinced by Lianne that if he

wanted to make a lot of money breeding English Bulldogs, then the way to do that

would be to bring in “Merle” bulldogs from the USA.

Lianne suggested that she, due to her experience, could “partner” with Ron and

perform the actual breeding. If Ron was to purchase the dogs, then she would

breed them, and they could sell the puppies and split the proceeds.

Lianne convinced Ron to purchase a “two-year-old” female that had already been

successfully bred once in the USA and import her to the Philippines. She inferred

that she had found this dog through her connections. The manner in which she

represented finding this dog inferred that this was an arm’s length transaction

and that Lianne had no personal connection to Dwight.

Because of these negotiations on February 25, 2017 $2000 was paid by Mr. to a Mr. Dwight Smith of email address

[email protected]

This was a down payment on an English Bulldog named “Stone’s Tweety Bird”

otherwise known as “Twitty” or “Tweety”. An additional $5600 was paid on

March 03, 2017 as final payment for Tweety. (ANNEX “B”). This dog was bought,

supposedly in the USA, from an American Citizen (Dwight) and the transaction

occurred between to USA financial institutions. The dog was then shipped to the

Philippines. We believe, therefore, that legally this crime can be prosecuted in the


The purchased dog was supposedly shipped from the USA to Manila and was

retrieved from the airport by Lianne and brought to her house.

An Agreement (ANNEX “C”) was signed between Ron and Lianne on the 10th day

of March 2017 placing the dog into the hands of Lianne for breeding wherein the

ownership of the dog is clearly stated to be exclusively Ron’s.

However, the ownership of the dog was apparently registered with the American

Kennel Club in the USA as belonging to Dwight. This fraud also occurred within the

borders of the USA and is prosecutable within the USA.

Using the AKC papers now in the name of Dwight, the dog was then registered in

the Philippine Canine Club as belonging to Dwight. (This fraud is prosecutable in

the Philippines).

In the communications between Ron and Lianne, it is very clear that Lianne led

Ron to believe that the dog was being registered in his name both in the USA and

in the Philippines. Further text conversations also allude to this (ANNEX “D”).

During the course of further discussions between Ron and Lianne (See ANNEX D

and A) Lianne convinced Ron that he should purchase a Merle English Bulldog

named “Bob Merle” or “Merle Boy” (legally known as A.T.S.R’S KING AZLAN).

Supposedly this was also an arm’s length transaction but also somehow arranged

by Dwight.

On June 30, 2017 Mr. Ron Schaefer bank wired $17,000 to a Mr. Hector Oregel in

the USA as final payment for A.T.S.R’S KING AZLAN, an English Bulldog otherwise

known as “Bob Merle” (ANNEX “E”).

A Partnership between Ronald D. Schaefer and Lianne P. Ling signed by Lianne P.

Ling and by Ronald D. Schaefer was signed on the 15th of July 2017. (ANNEX “F”).

The partnership agreement placed the dog known as “Merle Boy” into the care of

Lianne P. Ling where the agreement was that Lianne would stud the dog to her

clients and that the monies so earned would be shared between Lianne and Ron.

The dog has been sired out at least 8 times, (photographic evidence ANNEX “G”)

but no monies have been paid to Mr. Schaefer with various excuses being made

by Lianne.

Payment for the medical checkups and shipping was also paid by Mr. Schaefer for

both dogs to be shipped from the USA to the Philippines into the care of Lianne.

The second dog (Merle boy aka Bob Merle aka A.T.S.R’S KING AZLAN) was also

subsequently registered in the AKC under Dwight and in the PCCI under Dwight.

During the entire course of these transactions, Lianne never informed Ron that

she and Dwight were in fact living together as husband and wife and that she was

carrying his child (since born in December of 2017).

In fact, in a classic “Long con confidence trick” Ms. Ling aka Mrs. Smith, aka DL

Smith, pretended that the transactions between Mr. Schaefer and Ms. Ling and

Mr. Smith were arm’s length transactions and that Ms. Ling and Mr. Smith were

mere business acquaintances. In fact, emails (ANNEX “H”) between Lianne, Ron

and Dwight were clearly purposefully written by Lianne and Dwight to falsely give

Ron the impression that Lianne and Dwight hardly knew each other, and that

Lianne had merely stumbled upon “Mr. Smith” during the course of her attempts

to find a suitable dog for Ron to purchase to suit the business objectives between

Lianne and Ron to breed English Bulldogs whereby Ron would provide the capital,

Lianne the skills and both would profit from the venture.

Once the dog (Tweety) was in the hands of Lianne, she claimed that attempts to

breed her were unfortunately unsuccessful (ANNEX “I”). It is unknown at this time

whether the dog was successfully bred or not. What is known is that the dog is

already almost 5 years old, (not 2 years old as originally claimed) and it needs to

be examined by a competent veterinarian to determine whether the dog has

been bred more than once or has, in fact, already been spayed.

No monies were ever paid by Lianne to Ron except for one payment of PHP20,000

which was deposited into his bank account on the 20th of November 2017 (ANNEX


Further to the Dog Con, Lianne further convinced Ron that he should pay the cost

of some medicine in the USA that could be sold at an immense profit in the

Philippines. Photos of the medicine are attached (ANNEX “K”).

The medicine was supposedly sold and some of the profits of that sale were

supposedly transferred into the USA Dollar Bank Account of Ron (ANNEX “L") by a

woman that Lianne claimed was her sister by the name of Carmi Hallado (ANNEX

“M”) who appears to be working at SULTAN KUDARAT STATE UNIVERSITY as a

School Nurse.

The transaction record of the deposit is confusing as it shows that PHP300,000

was deposited but it also has the figure of US$300,000.00.

No record of the transaction ever appeared in the bank statements of Ron.

One month after the supposed deposit, Ron received a phone call from a bank

employee in the Mindanao branch where the money was deposited.

The employee of the bank informed Ron that someone had deposited

PHP300,000 into his bank account but that Philippine Peso cannot be deposited

into a US Dollar account.

Ron informed the employee of the bank that he could, instead, deposit the sum

into Ron’s PHP account and provided the account number to the employee.

Some time later, the bank employee told Ron that he had, instead, returned the

PHP300,000 to Carmi Hallado.

This was illegal for the bank to do this as the bank had already accepted the

deposit and provided a deposit slip. However, the Bank is apparently refusing to

take any responsibility for this clearly illegal act.

After Ron discovered that the money had been “returned” To Hallado, he insisted

that Lianne deposit it back into his PHP account.

Lianne later stated that she had done so and provided two deposit slips as

evidence. (ANNEX “N” AND “O”).

Both deposit slips are dated 20 February 2017. The PHP20,000 slip has the Seq#

as 225 and the time as 13:39:29. The other slip for PHP300,000 has the Seq # 226

and the time as 13:41:03.

The bank confirmed that the Seq # 225 was correct and that the deposit for

PHP20,000 had been made but that the Seq# 226 was not correct and that the

bank had a different transaction recorded as Seq#226 and for a different client.

A trip was made to the bank to get a copy of the original bank deposit slip that the

bank had. (ANNEX “P”).

A close perusal of the original deposit slip shows that both deposit slips that

Lianne had sent Ron as evidence of the deposit were fraudulent.

On the original bank copy of the PHP20,000 slip one can see that the name of Ron

is recorded on the slip as RONALD SCHAEFER (which is the correct spelling of his

name). On the slip provided to Ron by Lianne, his name is recorded as RONALD

SCAEFER (the “H” is missing). In addition, comparing the font of the original bank

slip to the font of the slips provided by Lianne, one can see that the fonts are

different although similar. ( The shape of the number “0” is completely different

by way of example). Since the deposit slip is printed out from the bank computer

using the bank computer records, it is clear that the slips provided, not having the

“H” and having a different font were an elaborate hoax.

This fraud is a crime that is prosecutable in the Philippines.

Ron has gone to the residence that the dogs are being kept several times. In each

occasion, Lianne has told him that she is not there and that she will send the dogs

to him by air to Samar.

She has failed to do so.

Security guards there have verified when shown a photo of Dwight that he is the

same man who regularly takes “Merle Boy” for a walk.


It appears that Lianne and Dwight have perpetrated an elaborate fraud upon Ron

whereby they have convinced him to pay a large sum of money for two dogs

which they have instead registered in the name of Dwight and that they have

convinced Ron to front the money for expensive medicine which they have resold

and kept the entire profits.

Further, they have bred the dog and kept the proceeds.

The total losses to Ron therefore exceed his investment as the return on

investment has also been stolen.

It appears that these crimes are cross border crimes with jurisdiction for part of it

in the USA and jurisdiction for part of it in the Philippines.

We thus request that the NBI and the FBI jointly investigate these crimes and

prosecute as necessary.

Dwight and Lianne have a Facebook page for the dogs where they sell the puppies

and the breeding services called “TeamSmith Rare Bulldogs” (ANNEX “Q”).

We are providing the ID of Lianne Presco Ling as ANNEX “R”.

Other pertinent evidence provided as annexes:

MerleBoy aka Bob Merle Pedigree ANNEX “S”

Tweety Photo and Pedigree ANNEX ”T”

Email conversation where Lianne now claims that Tweety is unable to get

pregnant ANNEX “U”

Lianne signature as “Smith” ANNEXES “V”, “W”, “X”.

Text conversation between Ron and Hector (supposed previous owner of

“MerleBoy aka Bob Merle, etc. ANNEX “Y”.

It is entirely possible that a thorough investigation will uncover other victims of

these two individuals.

<span title="https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=team%20smith%20rare%20bulldogs&epa=SEARCH_BOX
https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=team%20smith%20rare%20bulldogs&epa=SE… />
<span title="https://www.facebook.com/dlsmith9712?fref=search&__tn__=%2Cd%2CP-R&eid=ARCk6BPdhAhw1sjvDb4EFi09AyliE1FZPxoi_F_CjOtccnSStPjtPLncVjNioqpTBtJqwweWY7-zNmDI&_rdc=2&_rdr
https://www.facebook.com/dlsmith9712?fref=search&__tn__=%2Cd%2CP-R&eid=A… />
The Attached Photo is of my Male Bulldog that they Stole.

I have attained indictments and warrants of arrest for both Dwight and LI Smith here in the Philippines.

I am currently in the Philippines +63 927 402 6643.

Please let me know if you need anything else from me.

These thieves will not stop until they are in prison.

Thanks for your time.

Ron Schaefer

Natalie –

This exactly happened to me

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