Digi Tech Infosolutions

Logan –

Victim Location 48178

Total money lost $6,500

Type of a scam Tech Support

On Aug. 10, 2018, I was called by DIGI TECH iNFOSOLUTIONS to inform me of a temporary credit to my internet security account purchased from them, because their internet security being down. THEY GAVE MY CORRECT SECURITY CODE so I knew it was a legitimate call FROM THEM. While a tech took control of my computer, I was told to type in $70.00 which was a partial part of the credit due to me for the shutdown. I was careful, but $7000.00 showed on the screen. The tech was afraid and said we had to pay that back to the "World Bank" or we would both be in serious trouble! It was imperative that the bank didn’t notice the huge amount so we had to pay it back with cash. I was told to buy $6500.00( he was going to credit my account$500.00 for being out of commission, $400 to pay back my policy amount, and $100 for my inconvenience) worth of Walmart Gift cards and tell him the numbers which I did. REMEMBER, I BELIEVED IT WAS LEGITIMATE BECAUSE HE HAD TOLD ME MY CORRECT DIGITECH SECURITY CODE.I actually called Digi Tech’s number right after this happened and spoke to him. Also,I called Digi Tech’s number three days after this happened, as I had noticed that my bank account was lacking the money since the $7000.00 had never really been deposited in my account. When I called , he said he was going to get it straightened out with the World Bank and call me back, which of course he never did. THEN, when I called Digi Tech’s number an hour after this conversation, I was told no one by his name worked there. They failed to help me with the huge $6500.00 loss.The company that was supposed to be my security, breached the security! I have since called the company a few times. When they ask for my name and policy number they either hang up or tell me someone will call me back in a half hour.They never call back! I am out $6500.00 which is all I had.

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