Debra Knapp

Scott –

Victim Location 66502

Total money lost $132.35

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

I was contacted by the scammer to place an order with me for products that I sell. They emailed me the item package they wished to purchased and asked for an address to send a check to, saying that their boss would be sending me a check. They notified me that the check was mailed, a day later they notified me that their boss has sent their entire paycheck to me instead of just the amount that was supposed to be on it to purchase the products. They requested that I deposit the money and then send a money order to their mother with the rest of the money to pay for rent. I deposited the check using the mobile banking app for my bank, it got approved, and the money deposited into my account. The next business day I went to take out a money order. I put the money order into a standard envelope and put it in my mailbox making it payable to the customer that wished to place the order. At this time I placed the order through my business for her products to be sent to them. They contacted me saying that they wanted the name on the money order to be her mother’s and not their’s. I corrected it and put it in a different envelope to be mailed the following morning when the postman would come pick it up. I received a call from my bank early the following morning saying that the check had been marked as fraudulent and that I needed to get the money order and cancel them because the check was cancelled and my account was overdrawn. I contacted the customer and explained to them multiple times what had happened but they consistently requested a picture of the envelope, the money order, and the receipt for the products. I told them that their money order was not coming because the check was fraudulent and they still owed me the amount for the product. I told them that when they receive the product in the mail to send it to me and not open it. They said they would do everything they can and would send a new check.

Charlotte –

Victim Location 66502

Total money lost $132.35

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

I was contacted by the scammer to place an order with me for products that I sell. She emailed me the item package she wished to purchased and asked for an address to send a check to, saying that her boss would be sending me a check. She notified me that the check was mailed, a day later she notified me that her boss has sent her entire paycheck to me instead of just the amount that was supposed to be on it to purchase the products. She wished that I deposit the money and then send a money order to her mother with the rest of the money to pay for rent. I deposited the check using the mobile banking app for my bank, it got approved, and the money deposited into my account. The next business day I went to take out a money order. I put the money order into a standard envelope and put it in my mailbox making it payable to the customer that wished to place the order. At this time I placed the order through my business for her products to be sent to her. She contacted me saying that she wanted the name on the money order to be her mother’s and not her’s. I corrected it and put it in a different envelope to be mailed the following morning when the postman would come pick it up. I received a call from my bank early the following morning saying that the check had been marked as fraudulent and that I needed to get the money order and cancel them because the check was cancelled and my account was overdrawn. I contacted the customer and explained to her multiple times what had happened but she consistently requested a picture of the envelope, the money order, and the receipt for the products. I told her that her money order was not coming because the check was fraudulent and she still owed me the amount for the product. I told her that when she receives the product in the mail to send it to me and not open it. She said she would do everything she can and would send a new check.

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