Cristian’s Landscaping and Tree Service

Antonio –

Victim Location 91214

Type of a scam Home Improvement

These guys showed up July 13th at my elderly landlady’s house when I wasn’t there and offered to help make her yard better. There were four of them and they did a lot of clean-up and then talked her into emptying many bags of fertilizer and seed. I came home in the middle of it. There was a truck parked in from with lots of stacked bags of fertalizer/seed (I assume). They were very engaging with her, talking about her favorite subject of dogs. I went inside to take a phone call. I cam back out and she had given them a check for $1,250.00. They said they would be back on the 27th. Her check bounced and they pursued that. They were paid. Of course two 27ths have gone by and they haven’t shown up. I called them twice and they hung up, wouldn’t talk. I left a message that if I hadn’t heard back from them by 9/10 I would report them to the BBB. I’ve since heard from folks in the neighborhood they roam around in a truck and one of them walks ahead and goes to the door. This is a one-off scam and elder abuse in my opinion.

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