Victim Location 56537
Total money lost $3,785.35
Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order
Scammer sends a letter addressed to a Recipient advising Recipient that the Recipient has been selected as a Secret Shopper to evaluate the service provided by retailers of the Vanilla Reload Network Prepaid Cards. The Scammer encloses a fraudulent check with the trade name of a legitimate business that is similar to the Scammers name on the letter. The fraudulent check has valid, but stolen bank routing and account numbers for the legitimate business including forged signature of a corporate officer of the legitimate business.
The scam letter directs the Recipient to call and activate the check before attempting to cash it, then to cash the check, perform the secret shopper survey by purchasing $3,000 in the form of 6- $500 Vanilla Prepaid Cards, complete the secret shopper survey and mail the secret shopper survey and all 6 of the prepaid cards to the PO Box on the letter. The amount of the check includes the fees to purchase the prepaid card and mail as well as "$700" for the Recipient as compensation for the secret shopper survey.
If the Recipient follows the directions on the check, the check will be returned as fraudulent, and the Recipient may lose the face value of the check, particularly if the Recipient purchased and mailed the Vanilla Debit cards back to the Scammer.
The legitimate company whose trade name was used on the check reported the scam to local police department when the Recipient of the check contacted the legitimate company to verify the check was valid. The legitimate company has returned fraudulent checks under this scam for at least 3-4 consumers from California, Georgia, Minnesota and more states