Victim Location 30214
Type of a scam Advance Fee Loan
Kelly T Contact Agent at Facebook Lives in Chicago, Illinois 11:47AM Hello how are you doing? hello Peter I’m doing OK trying to get over over a nasty cold but other than that I’m doing good on the men’s how about yourself what do you want to talk about?:o)… I’m happy to inform you that your name was among the lucky winners on facebook promotion,
Yes your name was selected through a random machine, your name won you the sum of $120,000 Well I don’t know if I can believe that or not I don’t see why my name would be pulled out of that hat, although it would be a really nice idea anyway are you for real or what are you pulling my leg!!! Oh am not here for joke or play okay I want you to know that many winners like you have gotten their winning money and they are very happy with us Let me know if you are ready to get your winning money I’d be crazy not to say yes I’m ready.
I will see you got my attention I want you to send me your home address, email address and your phone number OK give me a second may be a minute I don’t know how that got on there I’m sorry but anyway I’m trying to send you my email Okay am waiting I’m sorry to make you wait if you give me an email that I can send it to I could probably do it that way Am going to send your email and home address to Fedex delivery company who will come and deliver your winning money to your home address That sounds terrific. I just want you to know I’m beside myself thinking about this I have sent your email and home address to Fedex Thank you Peter what do I need to do for you. Fedex is going to contact you through your email address and let you know when they will be deliver your winning money to you
My son lives here with me to and this is actually his house. How old are you?? what work are you doing? I turn 55 in September what work are you doing? I am a cashier at Walmart and I worked for them for nine years. That is very good Before that are you used to drive truck semi truck 48 states and Canada I did that for 22 years My health made me get off the road wow You must be a very hard working man I want you to go and check your email Not trying to brag but I’ve been working since I was seven years old mowing yards I was one boy out of five and I have a little sister my mother worked three jobs and we only saw her in between jobs and she put it in me that I need to stay busy so I wouldn’t have to work all my life like she did I love my mother she still alive she owns her own store she is in a dog grooming business and she also makes ceramics and displays them in the waiting room at her store is like an art gallery and she has all kinds stuff in it she lives in Arizona I’d like to move closer to me. That is cool Have you check your email inbox??? I’ve got my computer open and I’ve been looking and waiting for something to pop up I get a laptop and iPad and I’m using I’m talking to you with the iPad and I’m on the computer looking at my email. Okay let me know when you have check your email I just seen it pop up and I’m opening the box now or the window. Hello Yes I got it it says I’m gonna have to pay to our $280 for delivery fee and I have to I’m going to have to pay the fee before we can come over to you through Western Union Yes i want you to know that all winners like you paid for the delivery fee and they all got their winning money delivered to them the same day So i want you to fast and go and pay for the delivery fee now so that Fedex can deliver your winning money to you today Are you there??? Yes I’m here it sounds too good to be true I want you to know that many winners like you said the same thing but they paid and now they are very happy because they got their winning money delivered to them what you have to do now is for you to go and send the delivery fee now and after you have send the delivery fee you are going to send me the receipt of your payment so that Fedex can confirm your payment and immediately come for the delivery of your winning money what is going on ??? i want you to talk to me because Fedex is waiting for you to send the delivery fee so that they can confirm your payment I called FedEx and they said that you are a scam and I’m not sending you any money and I would appreciate it if you don’t call me back because I know you are a scam Just so you know I am reporting your name to Facebook what do you mean by scam??? FedEx does not have a The Fedex that is coming for the delivery of your winning money works for Facebook lottery only wait am going to send you proof of you been a winners okay If it’s coming from FedEx I need a tracking number Where is the tracking number? You will get tracking number after payment I want you to believe me okay This is a picture of a winner like you who paid for the delivery fee and got his winning money delivered to them I just talk to FedEx and they said they don’t handle their accounts that way They don’t use They have their own website why would they use Hotmail I told you this is just part of Fedex who are working with Facebook in deliverying winners money Yes Fedex use but this is just part of FedEx working for facebook in delivering winners money to them Well just so you know I’m not sending $280 because I don’t believe you and I want you to get off this computer and I will unfriend you right now Good you are free to unfriend me if you think am telling lies