
Pedro –

Victim Location 77494

Type of a scam Counterfeit Product

A friend referred me to this company via LinkedIn and said it was a valid company and valid offer and I should sign up. The compensation is $300 per assignment and the assignments were easy to complete. I signed up and about 2 weeks later received my first assignment along with a Cashier’s Check in the amount of $2,950.52. Knowing full well these people don’t know me, it was odd that they would send me that much money. I was asked to by $2,500 in Ebay gift cards at one or two of 35 companies that sell the gift cards. After that, I was to take pictures of the front and the back of the gift card with the silver strip removed. I called the bank to verify the validity of the Cashier’s Check. I did not give the customer service rep the check number just the amount. She asked me if the person’s name on the check was Cerissa C. Hinson and I said yes. She said it was definitely fraudulent. More than likely this is a scam out of Nigeria based on the language in the emails with operatives in the US printing and mailing the checks. From my research about this fraud, they would more than likely ask me to wire the $50.52 overpayment to them and then they have my bank information.

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