Victim Location 97138
Total money lost $44
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Took my money for an item I ordered then when I inquired why I didn’t get a shipping email they said they did not have an order for me.
October 13th, I touched a link (on Facebook) to purchase 2 scarves for my family. The payment showed up on my credit card account on October 16th. I did not receive a shipping email so I went to their website to contact them. They only had an email to [email protected] I sent an email on October 25th. A Jaksic Cvijeta, same email address, emailed asking for more information which I originally sent. I included the confirmation number. She replied on October 28th that they do not have an order for me or any record of the transaction.
Today, I contacted my bank to dispute the charge. They showed it was Paypal and that I need to contact them even though I didn’t use Paypal. Paypal said the company used a Paypal account but because it wasn’t my Paypal account, I would have to contact Facebook and gave me a link for their Merchant issues. I sent in a complaint and they said there was nothing they could do. I have spent all day today working on a resolution. I told the "scam" company I was reporting them to you.