Colorado auto recovery

Walter – Jan 30, 2021

colorado auto recovery are partial owners to most of the complexes they purposefully use to staulk and sabatoge their victims! there’s absolutely
no parking sighns and the way they conduct the execution of the crimes they commit and call legit bussiness is not only unethical in a pandemic but flat outn illegal in even regular situations! i pulled in to the belmar apartments at 9:29pm i made sue that my associate got into their friends safely and by tim i got back to my car at 9:35 my car was gone! mind u it took me a couple minutes to get out nof my car in the firstplace uz i debated leaving my phone keys and walley which i ended up leaving all even checked behind me and on the sides for any no parking signs so i couldnt be stuck and they litterall was gone with my car in 60 seconds! the sad part is when i was able to use a phone to call them by 945 they laughed at me and said oh well u cant get ur car till tomorrow at 9am and its going yo cost u $370 i was infuriated and i told him that i know hes not even 5 minutes away from were he just took my car cuzz im tracking my phone on find my device the then proceeds to hang up in my face where he then goes into my car without my permission and turns my phone off! and how i know thats wat he did is because i left it cuz it was charging and y car dont need to be on for my middle port to work! so with all that i call the police to make a report but befor i can recite to them the laws and stautes that govern criminal context they used to steal my property and then extort me to get back they told me not their problem i have to go through a civil suit! now i couldnt afford to get it back when it was three 70 but nnow they have sent me a notrized statement from the lakewood police department stating that it is illegal for me to abandon my vehicl and that i better sighn over my title to them so i dont get procecuted but i still got to pay them 320 and give them my title! smh im hurt im broke they set me up and now they laugh at me and try and ntimidate me with the police ! im on quarentine and they just continue to add it up and laugh! so im starting a petition to delegalize the practice of liscenced auto theft andthe demeaning act of extortion that these people aren able to get away with!

Carrie –

Victim Location 80004

Total money lost $299.82

Type of a scam Other

My vehicle was towed from a parking lot that there was no signage in the lot. I was parked for less than 30 minutes. They charged me $300 and made me wait hours to pick up my car. I asked them if it was right to not have visable signs…they stated it not their problem, that falls to the property owner. I told them it’s their name out there. I told them it feels like a scam to take people’s money. If it was legit, there would be visable signage throughout the lot, not just "outside the property " as I was told is all that’s needed. Truck drivers were racing in and out of the lot dropping cars off to get another. They had my car for a little over an hour and a half and charged almost $300. They know you will pay because you have to! Pretty crappy

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