Victim Location 66411
Total money lost $1
Type of a scam Home Improvement
Two Gentlemen was offering DirecTV AT & T bundles to a friend of mine for $57 a month they hook them up and several other people including myself they were driving a AT & T and DirecTV van had on AT & T shirts the two gentlemen that was selling the package was from Clear home Inc. and they identified themselves out of Utah. They were wearing name badges. After calling DirecTV they said they were fraudulent they cant offer those kind of bundles with the internet and satellite together. My bill actually is double what they said. Tookut 15 minutes they installed the satellite with the Box then I got an email of the installation contract where my initials were signed on the line but I never signed anything. They were to pay off my current Dish Network provider and get 10 dollars off bill for each customer I could get to change. Same thing happened to a couple friends of mine. Contract was never signed by me. Then after contacting DirecTV and AT & T had a $480 disconnection fee still don’t know if that’s being waived or not.