Classified shoppers Kristi Anderson

Donald –

Victim Location 28212

Total money lost $998

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

I was sent an email from another teacher’s email saying "A customer service research project is going on in your area, This project takes place every week so shoppers are needed to work as surveyors. For more details, go through the the included info and apply" There was an attached link. I filled out basic info and the next day recieved a text to confirm. I confirmed. After 2 weeks (I guess the holidays might have slowed shipping), I received priority package with the "first assignment" along with a check inside. I was instructed to deposit or cash the check and do assignment within 24 hours of delivery to receive $100 bonus. I mobile deposited the check so the future dads were available the next day. I was to buy gift cards and keep the rest of check for my payment for assignment. I was instructed to email pics of gift cards and the codes and receipts. After doing so, the following business day my bank withdrew the funds from the check out of my account (which I spent most of it on the gift cards) to verify the check. They said it will take about a week to verify, and then they can return the funds if it verifies. I was in a rough patch at this time so when they withdrew the funds, I had a balance of -$185. I didnt find out until eating out and checking after they said my card declined.Luckily, I was eating with someone and they paid for us. So embarrassing. I called my bank and was told of the situation. Then I called the bank of the check and got the horrifying news that they did not have an issued check for my name or the check number I gave them. I was told there was nothing I can do about this situation. I googled and seen I could file a claim, but unfortunately the site is down because the government is shut down. I’m just stuck with a negative account balance , a bunch of gift cards already redeemed, no response from email that I sent the assignment to, and 2 babies who will be refused to daycare until I get paid again in 3 weeks.

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