Victim Location 10566
Type of a scam Employment
Looking for a job on the Merlín app, I stumbled upon one for Chiesi Pharmaceuticals S.P.A. They said I would be working from home to start, then they would move me to an office after the training. Excited to start, I was unfortunately blinded by the fact that I never heard of these scams and that this was a real company with real reviews. What else did I need right? I thought because I did the research and the company was real with good reviews that that was good enough. They told me they would send me checks to purchase materials from nearby vendors and stores, however when the checks were deposited, they told me to take the cash out and deposit it into someone else’s account, saying this was the vendor they were doing business with. I did this with two large checks, as well as send money through Western Union. There was red flags everywhere but only after my bank called and told me to stop depositing these fraudulent checks did any of those red flags hit me. Red flags to look for in the future: email (making sure it’s legitimate like [email protected] rather than [email protected]), making any type of deposits when companies should be sending materials right off the bat.