checkup vin

Phillip –

Total money lost $33.30

Type of a scam Online Purchase

I am selling a car on Craiglist and this person contacted me requesting that I use this site to purchase a car report on my car.

Sent from Scam Artist

Hello again,

I understand, but I really need to see your current report first so I’d just really appreciate it if you can get it from because I’d like to repay you for it if we make a deal, and they’re cheaper than CarFax, and you know how it is, every dollar you save counts. I don’t want to get it myself because if it’s bad then I just wasted my money, but you can still use it however it turns out. I would like to see car tomorrow if you are free (and if everything is ok with car report).

Looking forward to hearing from you, Allan

I replied with a copy of the CarFax that I already purchased for the vehicle.

SA Response

Sorry but I really don’t believe to CarProof because I’ve had bad experience (my brother and his girlfriend had accident with his car and that report didn’t show that). They are really expensive and they are showing only what seller wants to see. I’d like to see the report from company whose website I already sent you, because they are 100% accurate and I trust only them. I’m very interested in your car and I already prepared money so the only thing I’m waiting is that report.

Allan Rich

I purchased the report, sent it to him and never heard back

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