Victim Location 63303
Type of a scam Credit Cards
The guy started out by saying I’m a preferred customer because I pay on time…..they wanted to reduce my interest rate,,,,he knew the first 4 of my card number,,,,,so then he asked me for the rest of the numbers….After I told him that I was a victim of identity theft,,,,he said okay then,,,,,,,(I don’t feel comfortable),,, I did give him the last 4 though like a sucker…..but I did not give him the 8 numbers in between. He kept putting me on hold,,,,,so I decided to call chase and they said it was def. a SCAM,,,,THEY WOULD NEVER CALL us for something like this. I then told the scammer guy that,,, I was on the phone with chase and I told him they said you were scamming me and the scammer guy said,,,,,”I never said we were calling from CHASE!”