Type of a scam Employment
I applied to a seemly legitimate advertisement on indeed. Within three days, I got the message below (#1) to my private indeed email.. however, the original post said nothing about doing remote work for someone abroad. It said office work, as a secretary… no work from home mention.
After recieving this odd message, I did question this part and ask for more identification from the indivdiual. They skipped over most of my questions, responding with the second message provided below also. This is where I questioned the legitimacy, as the individual had no problem offering me money to 0ay for office supplies when they had not even offered a employment opportunity. I asked for more information prior to providing them more, and my email was blocked completely – I can no longer contact them. They had originally responded within 12 hours – so I took it as a confirmation that they were attempting to scam me.
1st message of contact:
"Hello Courtney,
Thanks for your email about your interest in the Admin Assistant position.You have an exciting personality from your resume, and you are a better fit for the job. Its part-time Executive/personal assistant work, the position is home-based and flexible (You can be in any location to carry out any of the activities). My name is Charlotte Mikayla, and I am an independent Architect, professional Photographer, motivational speaker and a lecturer. I make portraits and cover all types of meetings, conferences, events, and festivities, usually on assignment.My work has been published in many publications and books. I bring a unique teaching style to students which guarantee creative and fun to learn by all student photographers while elevating them to new, exciting photographic heights that they have dreamed of. When I can, I travel, capturing some of the most beautiful places in the world.
Photography for me is all about the aesthetic. I like to create beautiful images. And I find beauty everywhere, especially in the imprint of life on people’s faces and on the landscape. I tell stories through my pictures. I especially love the nuances of black and white imagery. So much narrative is told in the gray areas.
I often conduct Live slide/talk lectures on Understanding Exposure, the Art of Seeing, Macro Photography and Photographing People throughout Germany, Canada, USA and Asia. I am presently in a workshop in Sydney, Australia and I will be here till the end of next week, after which I will be in Dallas,Texas for a workshop but will meet you before heading for the event in Dallas,Texas. The need to have a Personal assistant that will handle my assignment in Canada is seriously needed. While I am within and out of the country, I need someone who can stand in the gap for me with my administrative work. Your work duties are as follows :
# Book Flight/hotel and make event reservations
# Schedule my appointments,
# Mailings both sending and receive mails.
# Account receivable and deposit duties
# Planning and organizing meetings
# Organizing travel and preparing complex travel itineraries.
# Drafting communications on my behalf with clients and vendors.
# Receive payments from clients who want to attend my workshops or Live shows,
# Payroll duties for vendors
Wage is CAN$680 for 20hrs per week from Monday to Fridays with Paid Vacation.
Since I am not available now to set up a face-to-face interview, you shall go through a questionnaire in my next email to ascertain your eligibility to work with me. For a proper review, kindly get back with the correct information irrespective of the fact that it’s on your resume, I need this for acknowledgment and mailing purpose,
Full Legal Name:
Address :
Apt #:
City, Province, and Postal code:
Cell Phone Number:
Two references from your past employer or immediate relatives/friends will also be appreciated.
I will be glad to read back from you with your interest in the job offer or otherwise.I will inquire in my next email about the type of office equipment you have available for me to make arrangements for the ones you don’t have available to yourself.
Best Regards,
Charlotte Mikayla"
2nd Message of contact:
Hello Courtney,
I appreciate your swift response and information provided. I am currently working on my website and will let you know when it’s ready. I need an answer for these simple but essential questions from you which acts as an interview before a face to face interview is completed.I demand detailed and honest answers as you could and you may leave blank if you don’t have an answer to a question.
1. Do you have any Administrative/Executive/Personal assistant experience?
2. Do you have any experience in basic Photography?
3. Tell me about yourself and your last or current job?
4. Are you comfortable and efficient working from home?
5. Do you have any job weakness that is manageable?
6. Can you work with me full time in the future?
7. How good are you with some basic computer applications like Microsoft Words, Excel, spreadsheet, Photoshop, Corel Draw, etc.?
8. DO you have 3-4hours to spare daily?
9. If you are finally employed, how would you like to receive your salary (Cheque or direct deposit)?
10. Do you have a means of transportation?
I will be waiting for a response from you in regards this questions and kindly answer this as honest as you can. If you don’t have an answer to any of the questions, then leave blank. I will provide some essential equipment and stationery needed to complete my tasks. All I need to know is the availability of the equipment with you and details of each that you have to your self and not shared equipment. I need the Types, models, and configuration of the equipment that you have available.
A Personal Desktop/Laptop?
A Printer? Internet Access?
A Scanner?
Fax Machine? Shredder?
File Cabinet?
I hope you could spare me a corner to prepare your perfect home office for this job. Moreover, your first task is to find out the Prices of all the office supplies you will need for this work. Find out the most efficient office supplies that you don’t have from the list above. Kindly get back to me with the prices so that we can compare and contrast before going for the ones that will serve us better. You will be getting the funds for the supplies possibly before the end of next week.Thanks and will be waiting to read back from you ASAP."