Channy Dachshunds

Abby – Sep 23, 2020

Hello All. It looks like Larissa Craig, Ashley, and the other people involved in this heartstring scam have moved on to selling Shih Tzu’s. I’m in Sacramento, Ca. and have been looking for a seller that is within 200 miles of us, and Craig’s Shih Tzu’s popped up, noting a San Francisco Bay Area local.

<span title="… />

I messaged and received a couple of texts, but the whole thing seemed off so I did more digging and thank God I found this message board when looking up their listed phone number! I’m so sorry anyone has been taken advantage of, especially during this challenging time in the World! I’m curious how many other special little critters they pretend to sell!?!

Thank you again for taking the time to set this up for others to hopefully find before losing their hard earned coin!

Does anyone know how I can alert people that are seeking Shih Tzu’s and comes across their ad?

Warmest Regards,

Adrienne – 22 h ago

I was just scammed today by (Larissa Craig). Unfortunately, I didn’t see this website until after I sent my money.

Emily – Aug 25, 2020

Scammer’s phone 6093397709

Scammer’s website

Scammer’s address New Jersey

Scammer’s email [email protected]

Country United States

Type of a scam Bank/Credit Card Company Imposter Scam

Initial means of contact Email

These people have the same website as They scammed my grandparents who only get social security out of $500. They said we would have to pay the agent who dropped off the dog $50 when they got the puppy. They said to send it through Zelle, which is an app that you can send and receive money on. The email they said to use was [email protected] His name was Theodore R Singletary Jr. I’m going to try to get there money back but I don’t know how long that would be. They even had me send a picture confirming the money went through. Just be careful these people have scammed many people out of money for the same animals. If you don’t contact someone through the phone about anything always assume it’s a scam.

Danielle – Aug 24, 2020

thank you all so much for these posts. I was within minutes of purchasing a puppy when I came across this feed.

Danielle – Aug 17, 2020

Im hoping I don’t get scamed. Ugh. 100.00 sent.

Eric – Aug 08, 2020

I also was trying to purchase Luca fortunately I checked first to see if it was a scam and began to read all emails and complaints on here. Thanks to all of you because if you would not have posted this scam they would have gotten my money and I’m sure so many more.
This is so sad as they are ripping off people who are just looking for a family pet
God Bless

Brad – Jul 06, 2020

I contacted Channy Dachshunds to purchase a Dachshund. In the ad (which is your identical ad) there was the same form to fill out (my name, address phone, which puppy I was interested in etc). When I was contacted it was by email and I was told they were in Portland Oregon and that all the puppies were available. I was asked to answer 10 questions to determine that the puppy would be going to a good home. The email I was told to use was, [email protected] After answering the series of questions, I was asked to send $600.00 (of course a very good price) via Zelle to [email protected] and they would put Luca on the plane to me w/Free Delivery. They sent me an invoice as a bill of sale (which I have). In my excitement to get the puppy (a surprise for my wife) I did as I was instructed. The following morning they contacted me via email and I was asked to send an additional $400 to cover a mandate by the Airline to use a special Covid-19 cage. I reminded them that there ad indicated Free Delivery. This is when I realized that my money was in jeopardy. I asked w/text to speak to Larissa or Craig (didn’t know at this time that it was her first and last name) or have them call me on my cell phone. Then they texted me from a cell phone,(#707-408-4848) because I was so angry and because they wanted me to send the $400. When I refused then they no longer wanted to do business with me and that I would receive a refund in two to three days. Of course I won’t hold my breath. I was careless and I trust people too much. Not to mention that the dog I wanted was Luca, such a cutie,!

I did some research on Larissa Craig on The site does a through nationwide search from Phone #, name, address, or email. I used the email and Larissa Craig in Racine Wisconsin came up. I also found that Larissa’s sister’s name is Ashley. The report went on to show that her entire family lives in this Racine. I also discovered some new phone numbers and that Larissa is a female. I attempted to call the 707# with never an answer probably a throw away phone with a Portland area code. I tried calling the numbers that people looker reported. I was able to call several times and leave a message. Then that phone was not available.

I’m sorry for being so long winded, but I would think that it would be concerning to your company that these scam artist are conning unsuspecting people with your exact ad, word for word, pictures with same dogs and same names. Sure sounds legit to me and I’ve never bought a dog online.

I would like to know what you’re company is doing to prosecute these thieves? I would also like to know if you can help me with a legitimate Doxie. As you might imagine, I am short on funds and would be looking for help on the cost for, basically, an unsatisfied customer. I did think I was purchasing from your company, a reputable company. I will also report the outcome to the BBB so you can benefit from the sincere positive customer review I give the BBB and to your WEB SITE. Please send me a response that you received my message. My email address is [email protected] and my cell number is 352-636-9353. Thank you for listening.

Micah – Jul 02, 2020

Victim Location 95127

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Don’t be fooled by the fancy looking website. Channy Dachshunds is a scam. Don’t buy from these people.

There are no dogs available. It’s all a lie. They will steal your money.

If you don’t believe me do a google search for "online scam channy dachshunds" and read about people who have been ripped off

for hundreds of dollars. i wasn’t ripped off because i figured out they were scammers before i sent any money. i can’t tell you how

i figured it out because the scammer may go on this site and learn from his/her mistakes.

if anyone living in new jersey is reading this please call the police and report them as online criminals.

i may contact the FBI because they are committing felonies. interstate commerce fraud. this person/people should go to prison.

Nicolas – Jun 30, 2020

I was on happy feet dachshund and they originally emailed me two emails. Exactly the same except for a few no for detail changes like where they lived. So that was a red flag. Then Once I actually paid for the puppy and they said it was at the airport they said I need to send another 400 for a better crate for the puppy then I got an email not even like a legitimate animal customs email from the airport it just said customer service and it was telling me that I needed to send $700 for vaccinations for the puppy and for a CITE permit but CITE permits are only for when you’re transporting trophies exotic animals and stuff like that so that was the biggest red flag. Haven’t gotten an actual phone number. It’s been through email the entire time which is also kind of a red flag. Don’t fall for this website. The person emailing me is larissa craig at [email protected] Total scam

Misty – May 29, 2020

i was scammed as well, for 200$, they asked for 500 but only sent 200 because of something like this possibly happening

the emails, and names are different for all of you it seems

but i got the guy to call me and when he imediately started speaking it was confirmed to me he was a fraud and scam, sounded like he was caribean, west indian. the phone number traces back to moorestown nj, i am skeptical of that being a real location. the name he uses here is Joseph wells, i sent the payment through zelle. imediately i seen this scam reviews.what is the next course of action. i contacted back and filed a report. also filed a report through FBI .

this guy wont get away with this. trust

Barbara – May 22, 2020

Victim Location 38139

Total money lost $500

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Rashad King

[email protected]

856 222-9137

They also go by:

I believe they are located in

New Jersey

I was scammed on May 14, 2020

I sent a Zelle payment to them for $500. I then discovered they were a scam. I told them by multiple emails what I found out and that I was reporting it as fraud. They ignored me. I reported this to First Horizon on May 14. They said there is nothing they could do.

Tyrone – May 19, 2020

I was scammed. My first clue should have been, “if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is”. Scammed out of $500. Could have been worse. They then asked for insurance and crate be paid of $970 with $870 to be refunded at time of delivery. That is when all the contact info was either an answering machine or no response at all. Lesson learned. Spread the work please take the time to report scammers. NAMES ASSOCIATED with this SCAM: Ashley Rutland, Tyler Daniel, Daniel Brag, Channy Dachshunds, State Movers Inc, and emails,, [email protected] and

Ian – May 17, 2020

On May 14th 2020, I contacted Channy-Dachshunds regarding a puppy. They responded very friendly and appreciative that I contacted them. They asked me a lot of questions which I answered. So, we decided to pay for this puppy through Zelle. We emailed back and forth about the delivery of the puppy and on Saturday night I ws emailed stating my puppy would arrive thismorning. That was the last I heard from them. He is a fraud and I am going after him through his local police department. I have a copy of all my emails and I am also having my bank go after him. Do not deal with happyfeet dachshunds or channy-dachshunds. They are one in the same. His name is Ryan Richard email [email protected]

Alan – Jul 06, 2020

I just got scammed for $600. I too kept every email and thought I was being safe by having them send me a paid invoice ‘before’ I sent the money by Zelle. I did a background check on the email they used and came up with some names that could be these scammers. Why isn’t there some sort of governing body that stops stuff like this. I thought that maybe Channy Dachshunds was a real business and tried to find some information about them. I think it doesn’t exist and that it’s just a huge puppy scam ring. The internet should do something? feel free to contact me. My name is Lenny and my email is [email protected] cell # 352-636-9353. I live in Central Florida.

Michele – May 11, 2020

Victim Location 07003

Type of a scam Online Purchase

Scammers use new website listed as:

Website looks legit but when I reverse searches imaged if the dogs it brought up several older photos of the same dog across other platforms such as Pinterest not associated with the website. Scammers try to hook you in with emails like the one they provided myself, “We can give you Luca and Rosie for $1000. we are located in New Jersey and we offer free delivery within the United States. We offer free delivery because we currently have a coupon from our delivery agency to ship up to three puppies for free. so if you are buying from us today, we will be able to ship to you for free. We also offer two methods of delivery, home delivery and airport pick up. So which methods would you prefer ?“

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