Victim Location 60659
Type of a scam Employment
Someone by the name of Brian Johnson w/ fake LinkedIn page ( ) approached me w/ job offer.
He messaged me to let me know that he was very impressed w/ my profile & asked me to give an online interview to someone by the name of Mrs.Linda J. Sears (email address [email protected])
below the gmail chat I had w/ the fictitious Linda Sears:
My name is *** ***
I believe you are here and ready for the Job briefing interview now?
Okay.As we proceed further with the briefing and interview, you will get to know more about the opening position Okay
before we start I am located in Chicago
does the job require relocation?
Before we proceed I would love to know more about you I am Mrs.Linda J Sears,I’m The Hiring Manager For CHANNEL 1 ONLINE NETWORK. I am here to brief and interview you more about the opening position.Please introduce yourself and your Location.
My name is Molly Klausner, I am 31 yrs old. single. no kids. Currently working as a bookkeeper for vandacorp llc
Okay, Just follow the briefing and you can ask questions when i am through. Let me know when you have finished reading and understanding every line. You will be allowed to ask questions later.With each line just respond with an Okay
The Name of The Company is CHANNEL 1 ONLINE NETWORK
Our mission is to provide the appropriate, advanced communication tool for your businesses or group to collaborate, create, and communicate.
Channel1 services include audio, web, and video conferencing along with audio and web streaming solutions. Our investment in the latest technology and a dedication to customer service has enabled our customers to enjoy the highest level of quality and service on each and every conference.
We are currently working on setting up some branch in IL,WA,NJ and FL, That’s why we are employing online,but when the new office near you is ready you can be assign to one of them that is if you qualify after the interview…
This is strictly an online and work from home job the working hours are flexible and you can chose to work from anywhere of your choice,the pay is $35.75 per hour, training is $20 per hour and will be get payment weekly via check or direct deposit working 30 to 40 hours weekly,if you are employed you are going to be working as a full employee and not an independent contractor
DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITY:Tracks data and source documents. Prepares and sorts source documents, and identifies and interprets data to be entered. Compiles, sorts and verifies data for accuracy. Contacts responsible parties or clients from other, organization to resolve moderately complex questions, inconsistencies, or missing data.also perform Records keeping, keyboarding/data entry and performing a variety of other office tasks account balancing, invoicing recording, proper data analysis of sales records and recording pay slips into accounting database all these will be done through the use of the Accounting Software, such as faxing or emailing confidently and positive attitude Online from home.
Can you handle the Job duties if you are being trained towards it ?
You have 5 questions, read carefully and answer them one after another, Once You are Done Answering the 5 Questions, Indicate by Typing (Done) is that clear ?
*How would you describe your work ethics and are you comfortable with the fact that this is an online/work from home job?
*Have you ever worked from home or online before ?Are you currently employed ?How many hours do you intend to dedicate to this job position daily ?
*What do you Understand by Business Ethics & Customer Relations?
*Do you have an idea of how to use MS excel ?What is your highest educational diploma?When did you receive it?
* Job, How do you handle conflict ?Are you taking this as a primary?
How would you describe your work ethics and are you comfortable with the fact that this is an online/work from home job?I prefer to work in an office but I don’t see any problem working from home.
* *Have you ever worked from home or online before ?Are you currently employed ?How many hours do you intend to dedicate to this job position daily ? I never worked from home I work online frequently, most softwares I work on are online softwares.. I am currently employed. I will start w/ 30 & increase the hours if I see fit.
*What do you Understand by Business Ethics & Customer Relations? My understanding of work ethics are:Confidentiality, reliability, responsibility, determination, loyalty, progress & growth. As for customer relations: Professionalism, respond in timely fashion, patience, stick to company’s policies & keep it short & polite.
Do you have an idea of how to use MS excel ?What is your highest educational diploma?When did you receive it? Yes I know how to use MS excel. I have HS diploma received in 2005
Job, How do you handle conflict ?Are you taking this as a primary? I handle conflict by not taking anything personal, I make it a priority to avoid conflicts at all costs but rarely when occur I try to solve it ASAP & smooth things right away.
* Are you willing to give your best shot at working with our online staffs? How soon do you want to start working ?
*What bank are you operating with?
*How do you see yourself fitting in for this position?
*Give me 3 genuine and specific reasons why you should be hired by the company.Tell me about yourself and your last/current job ?
*How would you like to be paid if been offered this position. Via Direct Deposit or check, what means of payment would you prefer weekly or Bi weekly?
Aug 11, 2:07 AM
Are you willing to give your best shot at working with our online staffs? How soon do you want to start working ? Yes I am willing to give it a shot. I can start TOMORROW.
*What bank are you operating with? ** ***
*How do you see yourself fitting in for this position? I am a pretty flexible person & fast learner.
*Give me 3 genuine and specific reasons why you should be hired by the company.Tell me about yourself and your last/current job ? three reasons you should hire me are:
I will give you those & much much more!
I will give a million percent of myself to get the work done & help the company grow.
My current job is nice & worked out for me for the past seven years that I have been w/ the company, I am looking for a change of phase & environment.
*How would you like to be paid if been offered this position. Via Direct Deposit or check, what means of payment would you prefer weekly or Bi weekly? Via direct deposit, weekly payment will work.
You scored (93%) on the question’s answered and for your consideration stand..You’ve just been confirmed qualified for the position
Due to your level of experience and communication skills, the company has decided to give you a chance for you to work for the company and will like to see your diligence,Charisma,Commitment towards this job. Congratulations!
You would be eligible to Benefits after 2 months of working with company Benefits for eligible worker include: Health, Dental, Life and AD&D Insurance, Employee Wellness and 401k plans.Paid Time Off and Holidays with Generous Company Discounts
I need you to confirm me with the following:
Your full name,full home address Zipcode State, City, Phone numbers age and email address to enable my secretary enlist them into the Company’s Register for proper documentation
*** ***
*** *** ***
Chicago, IL ***
Your working equipment consist of the following items: * MacBook Duo Processor 1800 mGHZ, 120 Gigg HDD, 1G Internal Memory.
* All in One Printer, Scanner, Fax and Photocopier Machine.
* Microsoft Office and Microsoft Operating Systems ( Service Packs)
* Mini-Office Stationary
* BS 1 Accounting software
* Peach Tree Software ( US Patent Single Users Pack )
* ADP E-Time, ADP Execu-Pay, ADP PCPW PeopleSoft, Paychex, ADP Enterprise and Ceridian Time and Attendance. Time Tracker, Data Reader, And Data Timer
Note,the company is responsible for all equipment.
You will need a Cashier check from your Bank of $5, You will be presenting the cashier check for the vendor once they deliver your working Materials to you. I believe you can afford that?
ID is not enough?
this sounds like a scam
I find it hard to believe that you will send an equipment worth thousands to someone you never met
& why $5.00
why not $500 ???
The $5 is for the shipment and you were told the company is responsible for all equipment
shipment doesn’t cost $5.00
it cost much more
The company has local vendors okay
its more than $5.00
more like $50
We have contract with FedEx. When you get to your bank you make it payable to FedEx
Are you teaching me my job?
to my knowledge fedex don’t take checks when they drop packages
I am not teaching you your job dear, I AM CALLING YOU OUT ON YOUR BLU[censored]
You will need a Cashier check from your Bank of $5, You will be presenting the cashier check for the vendor once they deliver your working Materials to you. I believe you can afford that?(Read this well okay )
why do I need to pressent any financial doc to anyone if you cover all costs???
That is the procedure.
sounds fishy to me.
please take my name of your records
& don’t contact me again
I am going to file a scam report w/