Chalk Talk for God’s Family

Fernando –

Victim Location 98031

Type of a scam Charity

I was contact through OKCupid dating website by a man claiming to be doing God’s work and sent me this site on Facebook for the "charity" he works for. When I looked up the "charity" on the page, it didn’t exist, nor does the website listed on their FB page go to any real website.

Here is a copy of the information listed on the FB page, along with the link:

Page Info

Start Date

Founded in 2013

Short Description

A non profit organization formed to provide financial aid for education of orphaned, deformed, handicapped children who have been abandoned to the streets

Long Description

Short description

A non profit organization formed to provide financial aid for education of orphaned, deformed, handicapped children who have been abandoned to the streets of Nigeria. Partnering with Patrick’s Charity House, currently housing 300 children.

Company Overview

It is our goal to create a rehabilitation center where the trades of carpentry, tailoring, hair care, computer training, automobile repair, electrician and instrumental training can be taught so products and goods can be created for sale in the world market and the facility can become self-sustaining. Funds are needed to build a school, hospital, housing for the children, and a rehabilitation center.

Long description

Chalk Talk for God’s Children was formed in February 2013 to stop the suffering and cycle of poverty of children in Nigeria.

General Information

Our vision is to build a compound encompassing housing for the children, a school, hospital and rehabilitation center where the vocations of carpentry, tailoring, hair care, computer training, printing, automobile repair, electrician, and instrumentalist could be taught and products produced so they can be self sufficient.


To stop the suffering and cycle of poverty through love, training and education of Nigeria’s abandoned children.


FOR MORE INFORMATION: contact Patrick Clarke on 6465048624,8652307905


To stop the suffering and cycle of poverty through love, training and education of Nigeria’s abandoned children.


+1 865-230-7905


[email protected]


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