
Veronica –

Victim Location 36081

Type of a scam Fake Check/Money Order

I applied for a loan online,I was told my credit score was low, and they needed to help get my score up a little before they give me loan, I was told that they would deposit,892 dollars in my bank account,I need to return it back to them, on google play card, so I got three of them, one for 500 dollars and one for 370, they senr me a text message,and said they had receiced the money,but my credir score needed a little more help,they said one more time, so they depisited 1992.00 in my banking account,this time I, purchased three google play cards,of 500.00 ,and one for 450.00, so they told me, I needed to do it one more time, they assured me this would be the last time,that they were a 100% sure I would ger my loan,so a so I purchased two for 500.00 each,I tried to purchased four but the store wouldnt let me,I asked why,but they gave me no answer, so I left confused,and angry, so I next the loan people and told them,what had happened and asked what was going on,they said they would check into it,by now I had a feeling that I had been scammed. So I google google play scammmed, it there it was, I had been scammed. They cobtacted me and wanted me to cash a 5000.00 check, I tefused to do it,they started harrasing me by phone and email,threatening me also.

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