Carlos Oliveira

Janet –

Victim Location 07307

Total money lost $130,000

Type of a scam Romance

Unfortunately I became a victim of romance online scam where i wired and transferred over $130,000 to few diffrent banks in US , Malaysia and United Kingdom.

After all my attempts contacting HSBC, Lloyed bank , Wells Fargo and Bank of Scottland , didnt bring any results and left me helpless and upset.

This scammer had sent me messages starting in July 2015 in facebook. He presented himself as Carlos Oliveira from London UK and then he made all efforts to establishe romatic relationship and online communication. This was done in order to gain my trust by telling me that he had fallen in love with me. It was almost one year I found out that this person he was using diffrent names as he is on the list of romance-scammers websit .

Carlos made me believe that he lives in London UK and he is self emplyed businessmen who travel to diffrent countries delivering cacao beans for Cadbury company in UK. Right after in August of 2015 he informed me that he was awarded new business contract and flying to Malaysia . Also he sent me a copy of Cadbury company contarct which later later turned out was fake document .

In September of 2015 Carlos Oliveirae informed me that cacao beans shipping was increased for $50,000 and ask me to land him this amount but it did not end there. Later he was asking me for more and more money as he was coming up with new stories and business truobles he experienced in Malaysia. It came to the point that he called me that he was arrested for not paying enouph for products storage and his passport was confiscated

On September 2 2015, i sent $9,600 tfrom my TD account to Maybank in Malaysia as he gave me instructions of shipping company receiver.. Later on September 30 2015 i wired $9,500 to to Wells Fargo account which was in state of Georgia, US Additionally I deposited direct deposit cash $6,000 to the same account . This was to a company that Carlos Oliveira trusted to pay for producats thru this company as wires to Malaysia later were returned for unknown reason

On December 16, 2015 I have wired $30,000 from my account to LLoyd bank in UK in the amount of $30,000.00 to receiver which was business partner of Carlos Oliveira and he was in contact.. This large amount I took from my pension fund. Again Carlos have given me a new receiver name. This time Carlos explained , this way it would be easier for him to get the money.

Thereafter there were few more wires from my HSBC bank account .In March 2016 to Royal Bank of Scottlend in UK in the amount of $7000 payable to Carlos Oliveira company SKT Ltd. On July 5th & July21 of 2016 two more wires to Wells Fargo bank in total amount of $11,800. Besides wires there were numerous Western Union and Money gram cash transfers in the amount of $25,000

Right after finally i realized i was scammed as ‘romance scam ‘ i have travelled to Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and reported to their police -money fraud investigators. Also I have travelled to London UK and reported money scam to metropolitan police unit where they took my information but told me to report it on

Which i did reported but i did not hear from them nor was anything done at that time. I have all documents of police reports , wires and emails from scammer.

As per new banking law my understanding UK banks are changing their law and will be more accounted for customer’s money . As per new code coming up in May of 2019 banks have agreed to accept complains and possibly reimberse victims who lost their money due to scam. But I am affraid its going to be for new scam victims but not in the past. At this time I am asking for your help to review and investigate my case where I have lost tramandous amount of money , basically all my life savings and pension as I am helpless devastated and financially broken. Maybe you can refer me to the right sources where I would have a chance to recocer my losses. Below I will provide you with each wire, receipts and police reports . Additinally I will attache copies of all documents to this email.a.

Scammer name as he preseted himself is Carlos Oliveira . Later I found out on where he used name Rex Darron and used many names.

His cellular phone which he called me from 44 7438 8608 95, the email he used [email protected] The addres was unclear but as per fake Cadbury contract it was Oakley St Chelsea London UK. SW3.

The follwing are detaled description of all wires and receivers with bank aoounts and addresses:

1. First Wire on 09/02/2015 in amount of $9600 I sent to Maybank payable to Mazzeyati Binti Mohd Rodzi Cheras Kuala Lumpur Account #15812763762.

2.Second Wire on 09/30/2015 in the amount of 9,500 I sent to Wells Fargo NA payable to H& S Auto Sales Account #39272805517. plus deposited $6000 cash in the same account. On this one I put civil lawsuit and sent Subpoenas to Wells fargo where they released account information. Behind this fake company H & S Auto Sales was Stacey K Conyers , date of birth 10/28/78, address 2433 Tilson Rd Decatur GA 30032.Phone number #770-957-6692 Unfortunately it didnt work out since I could not afford an attorney and it was difficult to go forward with prosecution and it gave me a lot of stress.

3. Third Wire I sent to Lloyds Bank PLC in UK payable to Olubukova S.Savage in the amount of $30,000 . Account #432019774. As I inquired This scammer lives in the address 4A The Parade High St Cowley , Ukbridge Ub8, 2ep UK as it was available on Uk telephone directory.

4.Fourth wire of $180.00 wa sent to HongLeong Bank Berhad Kuala Lumpur payable to Rajarajeswary Ap V Muniandy , 114& 116 Jalan Cerdas Taman Connaught Cheras 56000 Kuala Lumpur malaysia MY50450.

5. Fifth wire of $7,000 I wired on March 15, 2016 to Royal Bank of Scotland PLC London UK payable to SKT LTD Account #GB91RBOS1600061299129 . The address I inquired on line SKT Ltd # 09650249 22 Broadlea Hill Leeds England LS132SR.

6. Sixth Wire was on July 5, 2916 in the amount of $6,800 to Wells Fargo account #8134195497 payable to Deborah Cote 2611 W Park Row Drive Arlington TX Account

7. Seventh Wire was on July 21, 2016 in the amount of $5,000 to wells Fargo account #8134195497 payable to Deborah Cote 2611 W Park Row Drive Arlington , TX

I have also sent out cash thru Western Union numerous times in total of 8,000 ,and thru Money Gram in the total amount of $15,000.

Thank you once again for your attention and help in this matter as these financial losses have ruined my life on all levels.


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