Type of a scam Employment
John Morgan Jr. placed a post on facebook seeking people interested in a data entry work from home job. I reached out to him and he asked if I had a gmail account and google hangout. He gave me an email address ([email protected]) and interview code and I was to make contact through google hangout.
I made contact with Leigh Anne Baker, who stated she was the hiring manager/human resources manager for Cargill Inc. based out of Wayzata, Minnesota. She told me about the company and what the job entailed.
We proceeded with the interview and she was impressed. She stated that she had to send our conversation to the head of the HR dept as everything was monitored.
She got back to me in about 20 mins to say I had got the job.
She asked how I preferred to be paid, weekly or bi-weekly and what form of payment I preferred such as direct deposit, credit card transfer or check.
Then she stated I needed to provide her with the following;
My full name:
Date of birth:
House Address in full:
Phone numbers:
Mobile Network:
A Passport photograph to attach to your profile.
To enable the secretary enlist them into the Company’s Register for proper employee’s documentation.
She said Iwill be need the following Software Programs and working materials, to enable me to perform this job effectively without any problems; Myob Business Essentials Software 2015, US Patent Single, Users Pack simply accounting 2015, Apple Final Cut Express 3.5 HD Upgrade, Norton Ghost 9.0, Microsoft Office XP 2015 Standard Upgrade, Peach tree Premium Accounting 2015, EDI software program, Apple MacBook Air, Company’s Telephone…, And lots more.
I asked if all of this was going to be provided by the company or if I was responsible to obtain it myself. Her response was:
The funds for the softwares and working materials will be provided to you by the company with your choice of receiving payment. You will be using the funds in making purchase of your equipment’s from the company’s certified Vendor and All equipment’s will be labeled on them with the company’s name, they will have you connected to the company’s database.
She says, The funds will be covering up for both your working and training materials as well as setting up a mini office in your home which I believe you do have a space provided for that ?
You are supposed to have this purchased from your pocket but the company will provide this via direct deposit due to the costs so you don’t have to worry about that.
She says I will be making the purchase of the programs as the company is not specialized on the software programs. You are to get it from the company certified vendor that is the third party to the company who will then install with disc and have it shipped to you within 3 working days via FedEx. The software vendor will be responsible for the installation of the softwares and any updates and patches. They will also need to perform manual data backups and secure the data to meet HIPAA standards.
I agreed.
She asked if I was ready to receive the funds for the working materials needed, I said yes.
She asked how long I have been dealing with my bank and that she needed me to provide:
Name on the account
Account number
Bank Code number
Bank address
Also, provide the online Username and Password for the monitory and coordination of funds sent and it will be cleared off our database once payment is confirmed and allocated to the Company’s Vendor.
She asked if I was currently doing anything, so there would be no excuse and delay in order for me to get the materials shipped.
A total deposit of CAD $5000.00 will be made into your account for the working materials, you will have them sent via WesternUnion to the company vendors treasurer which I will provide the details to you.
I checked my account and there seemed to be a mobile deposit of $2500. I was t9 got to western union in 3 separate locations to make 3 payments.
I told the teller at western union and she refused to make the transaction and told me to go to my bank. I went to my bank to find out it was a fake cheque deposited into my account and my accounts were frozen by the fraud dept of my bank.
She threatened me with:
Remember I have you passport and your personal information, if I don’rt get a reply from you in the nest 20 minutes, I will refer you to the fraud department and you will accept whatever happens to you.