Call To Resolve

Carla –

Victim Location 53188

Total money lost $399

Type of a scam Tech Support

Rep called to tell me I had viruses in my hard drive and offered to "clean them up". That was last July, and they took $*** from my old debit acct. number for 5 years of "service". Because during that time I noticed no improvement on my computer, I called to tell them. They said that I have to contact them every month to REMIND them to monitor my computer. What?!?! Now they’re calling again to give me reimbursement of my $*** loss, but they want my new debit acct. number to deposit that money into. They said they cannot mail me a check. I told them not to call me again because I refuse to give them my debit acct. number.

Brittany –

Victim Location 19081

Type of a scam Tech Support

Call to Resolve hacked my computer remotely on 7/26/15 and froze it. They demanded I sign a service agreement to unfreeze it, which I did. They claimed there was malware on the computer and they would remove it. I gave them a false password so they were unable to enter my computer. Apple store could not find any malware. I wrote the company 8/13/15 to cancel the contract and stated in the letter that they had provided no services for me. Between 8.14.17 and 9.06.17 their agent William Strauss sent me three threatening emails saying that I owe hundreds of dollars and they will report me to the TransUnion credit rating agency if I don’t pay.

Bethany –

Victim Location 95360

Type of a scam Debt Collections

said master card cancelled my payment for tech support on my computer ,says I owe $451.00

Linda –

Victim Location 48227

Total money lost $109

Type of a scam Online Purchase

After you purchase their virus protection service, they called you back stating that they can no longer provided the service so they have to refund your money back. They gain access to your account information to withdraw your funds and never refund to your money.

Theresa –

Victim Location 32413

Total money lost $3,500

Type of a scam Tech Support

They took us for a ride, they get into your bank account and move money around and pretend to have made a mistake, then want you to western union them money to China.

Andre –

Victim Location 33415

Type of a scam Tech Support

I had a old Macbook last year and it kept freezing up and slow loading, well one time the pop up was you have a virus security issue and in the box it said that they were Apple Support affiliated, so in my crisis I clicked on their opt. to delete and run and clean the virus off my laptop, for 1 yr. coverage for $199.00 no matter what kind of issue. There were a few times I called them and they did help fix some issues so that was fine. Well that old Macbook is no longer with me since last Friday 6/3/2016. It got recycled at the Apple Store. Well 45 minutes ago, I got a phone call from Call To Resolve and their asking me about my old laptop, I explained to the guy Jon that I no longer have it and for some reason he was upset that I recycled it, and said he could fix it, well the program was shot, no longer available for upgrade. Then he told me that he would fix my new Apple Macbook Air and I told him there is nothing the wrong with it, and he said there was a server issue and he needed access to my laptop. I told him no, and that I thanked him for their services and to not need them anymore, only Apple will touch my computer. He was upset. Well I do hope you guys put out the word on these people, cause I just looked up their address and it does not exist.

Holly –

Victim Location 46234

Total money lost $300

Type of a scam Tech Support

Had a message on my computer that said Microsoft has detected a problem with my computer and doing anything further could lose all of your information and to call this phone number – 1-800-251-4576. Turns out they are not Microsoft company but are contracted by Microsoft to solve PC problems. He showed me csrss.exe on my task manager that should not be there. He supposedly cleaned my PC and installed better security then what I already had, which was Kapersky. It protects against network, viruses, malwares, spywares, adwares, key loggers, and Trojans. Since then I received a message from LifeLock that my email password has been compromised. Not sure if it occurred before or after the new protections, since it was fairly recent. How do I know if this company is legit or if I should be concerned about all my data and my credit card? I spent hundreds of $ for this 5 yr plan. The person was very nice and very patient and they have a website.

FYI – my mother received the same message on her computer about a month later. It was very difficult to get rid of the message so she could continue using her PC. The only way to get rid of it was to end-task it several times, which most people would not know how to do.

Ruben –

Victim Location 93103

Total money lost $99

Type of a scam Tech Support

surfing the internet when a warning popped up that my computer was infected. Gave me a number to call. They kindly help ‘fix’ the problem. Cost $99. They in fact, infected my computer. Call to Resolve…a total scam.

Brett –

Victim Location 93067

Total money lost $99

Type of a scam Tech Support

Surfing the internet when a warning popped up that my computer was infected. Gave me a number to call. They kindly help ‘fix’ the problem. Cost $99. They in fact, infected my computer. Call to Resolve…a total scam.

Kyle –

Type of a scam Tech Support

I had a screen flash up on my computer that told me I was not protected any longer and I needed to call the number on the screen. They want my credit card number to charge me 199.00 a month to fix it. Now my whole computer is frozen and I cannot access it at all. 

Dominique –

Victim Location 84604

Total money lost $199.99

Type of a scam Tech Support

While surfing the net, my computer became locked, with a notice of a virus, and to call what appeared to be Microsoft, to resolve the issue. The number turned out to be a scam company called ‘Call to Resolve’, which told me my computer was totally unprotected, even though I had McAffee Security, because McAffee was no good. Their presentation seemed legitimate except the agent AND the technician they referred me to both had deep Asian accents. That is not uncommon in today’s world but did raise a red flag. I bought their product stupidly, before checking them out. Both and the store I bought the computer from recognized this business as a scam. The number was a Los Angeles, CA number, the agent said his name was Ajay Bhardwaji, and the number to call was 800-251-4576. I have since taliked to others whom have been scammed by this company

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